Mental health Poems

Popular Mental health Poems
by Liam Erb

Unthinkable moments of radon decay
Ratcheted by powerful inhibitions of examiners
An unquenchable thirst for power
Necessitated by humanities conflict with regression

Insolent of other existents
Unaffected ones destroy for their search
Marring the desolate with sickness
Intending opportunity not

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The One Who Saw Me
by David Hoover

I was always suffering in silence.
I laughed and smiled but inside I was in more pain than you could imagine.
Everyone simply passed by without seeing a thing.
One after another they all looked at me and continued on.
Not a single one could see my suffering.
I was invisible.
But not to you.
You saw I was hurting.
Because you were hurting too.
And that’s the only thing that made it bearable.


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by David Hoover

In that moment I faltered, I hesitated.
The mask shattered.
The walls which had long protected the sanctuary of my mind fell away.
The world saw through the image I had portrayed all those years to protect my wounded heart.
And like the bursting of a dam deep inside.
My emotions flooded out with the strength of a great sea.
And my soul cried out with a voice of a helpless child who had only ever wished to be loved.

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Dichotomic Conscious Operation
by Liam Erb

Deeply confronted by inner sleepless night
With a gluttony of tools to decompress
Involves checking on each and every flight
That spinning soul splits into major plight

Comfort sought through rolling waves
Routed by minor rudder after quick respite
And major vessel sank with no save
When to be dry was all the bait craved


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by Liam Erb

I broke my mirror
Grains of glass lay on the ground
The shards poke my feet and stick in my hands
It’s definitely been more than seven years of bad luck

Putting shards back in the frame just is not the same
The holes in my reflection are annoying
Sometimes, I wonder why I’m trying so hard to fix my mirror

Glue at least gets the shimmering pieces back up


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Recent Mental health Poems
by Liam Erb

Unthinkable moments of radon decay
Ratcheted by powerful inhibitions of examiners
An unquenchable thirst for power
Necessitated by humanities conflict with regression

Insolent of other existents
Unaffected ones destroy for their search
Marring the desolate with sickness
Intending opportunity not

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by Liam Erb

I broke my mirror
Grains of glass lay on the ground
The shards poke my feet and stick in my hands
It’s definitely been more than seven years of bad luck

Putting shards back in the frame just is not the same
The holes in my reflection are annoying
Sometimes, I wonder why I’m trying so hard to fix my mirror

Glue at least gets the shimmering pieces back up


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Dichotomic Conscious Operation
by Liam Erb

Deeply confronted by inner sleepless night
With a gluttony of tools to decompress
Involves checking on each and every flight
That spinning soul splits into major plight

Comfort sought through rolling waves
Routed by minor rudder after quick respite
And major vessel sank with no save
When to be dry was all the bait craved


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by David Hoover

In that moment I faltered, I hesitated.
The mask shattered.
The walls which had long protected the sanctuary of my mind fell away.
The world saw through the image I had portrayed all those years to protect my wounded heart.
And like the bursting of a dam deep inside.
My emotions flooded out with the strength of a great sea.
And my soul cried out with a voice of a helpless child who had only ever wished to be loved.

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The One Who Saw Me
by David Hoover

I was always suffering in silence.
I laughed and smiled but inside I was in more pain than you could imagine.
Everyone simply passed by without seeing a thing.
One after another they all looked at me and continued on.
Not a single one could see my suffering.
I was invisible.
But not to you.
You saw I was hurting.
Because you were hurting too.
And that’s the only thing that made it bearable.


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