Meaninglessness Poems

Popular Meaninglessness Poems
The Carnival
by Richard Randolph

There are no immovable objects,
nor are there unstoppable forces,
but there are objects we can't move,
and forces we can't stop,
and questions we can't answer,
so purpose becomes the paradox.
My mind contains all of the world,
and my thoughts and feelings, too,
but to say the world contains us
is at least equally as true.


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Recent Meaninglessness Poems
The Carnival
by Richard Randolph

There are no immovable objects,
nor are there unstoppable forces,
but there are objects we can't move,
and forces we can't stop,
and questions we can't answer,
so purpose becomes the paradox.
My mind contains all of the world,
and my thoughts and feelings, too,
but to say the world contains us
is at least equally as true.


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