Manifestations Poems

Popular Manifestations Poems
by Pijush Biswas

No a bud scuds 'thro repulsive drift now
With no bloom; no a reedy tune would glow-
Long a sigh, ending at done work must lift
Till the flow'd arms ask no a bar or shift;
Faining later on, or seeking fineness
Our bravery must awake to express:
Unsunk ship must sink into endeavour
Deep, until win, -and petty sweat's vapour,
And you, who care pudding ice would not grieve
Ten, or e'er-lasting green come by sheave;


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Recent Manifestations Poems
by Pijush Biswas

No a bud scuds 'thro repulsive drift now
With no bloom; no a reedy tune would glow-
Long a sigh, ending at done work must lift
Till the flow'd arms ask no a bar or shift;
Faining later on, or seeking fineness
Our bravery must awake to express:
Unsunk ship must sink into endeavour
Deep, until win, -and petty sweat's vapour,
And you, who care pudding ice would not grieve
Ten, or e'er-lasting green come by sheave;


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