Longing Poems

Popular Longing Poems
I want to talk to you all day
by Clare-Anne Flower

Roses are red violets are blue.
And I cannot stop thinking of you
Even though I balk, It hurts so much we can never talk.
I'm sorry, I don't want you to forget me but I don't want you to remember me.
I'm sorry I guess I'm just emotional.
A little bit controllable.
Wait does that make me knowable?
I'd love to be consolable but I'm just too emotional.
And you!
You make it worse.


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Remember me
by Clare-Anne Flower

I've been crying on my knees, hoping you would rescue me.
Oh, darling don't you remember me?
The one you said you'd always need.
Now I'm collecting dust in the closet of people you loved.
And silenced and sad thinking of the love we never had.
Oh, won't you open your eyes and see.
Won't you please remember me.
All my hopes and all my dreams all seem like they won't be coming true. Yet all I can think of is you. So, I sit in this closet hoping this is a dream. And waiting...and waiting, for you to remember me.

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by Elisa Martinelli

There is a word
In my head
And it cuts like a sword
Killing me dead.

It's a syllable
That cuts like a knife
When I am not able
To handle my life.


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How long?
by Author Reinvented

How long
Can pressure be applied
Before the coal turns to dust and you realize there is no diamond?

How long
Will you keep saying "You've tried"
Before dismay replaces trust and you finally stop trying?

How long
Can you keep adding straws,


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A Rose Vision
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

rage on maroon skies
hued blurred blooms stormy
wafting dyed glory

squawking chaos cries
jade nature can be so droll
green waves crash and roll

musical raindrops
where are my orange flowers


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Recent Longing Poems
Remember me
by Clare-Anne Flower

I've been crying on my knees, hoping you would rescue me.
Oh, darling don't you remember me?
The one you said you'd always need.
Now I'm collecting dust in the closet of people you loved.
And silenced and sad thinking of the love we never had.
Oh, won't you open your eyes and see.
Won't you please remember me.
All my hopes and all my dreams all seem like they won't be coming true. Yet all I can think of is you. So, I sit in this closet hoping this is a dream. And waiting...and waiting, for you to remember me.

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I want to talk to you all day
by Clare-Anne Flower

Roses are red violets are blue.
And I cannot stop thinking of you
Even though I balk, It hurts so much we can never talk.
I'm sorry, I don't want you to forget me but I don't want you to remember me.
I'm sorry I guess I'm just emotional.
A little bit controllable.
Wait does that make me knowable?
I'd love to be consolable but I'm just too emotional.
And you!
You make it worse.


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The Search
by Edwin Miles

blur my vision
let lines appear
let shapes appear
now mountains
here come staggered soldiers
marching armies
they come for us
to find us
to harvest and to harm us
we are wanted


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by Trevor Vretas

here goes nothing...

change these scars.
let them fade away.
glue them shut with,
your everlasting gaze.

heal my heart.
wash the pain away.
comfort me with,


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Illusions of grandeur/Lost souls
by June C

Illusions of grandeur
A blank canvas
Easily painted
But never completed
Several hands, brush and stroke
Half done,fragmented
The canvas cries
Never able to claim it's original name

Lost Souls


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