Longing Poems

Popular Longing Poems
by Elisa Martinelli

There is a word
In my head
And it cuts like a sword
Killing me dead.

It's a syllable
That cuts like a knife
When I am not able
To handle my life.


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How long?
by Author Reinvented

How long
Can pressure be applied
Before the coal turns to dust and you realize there is no diamond?

How long
Will you keep saying "You've tried"
Before dismay replaces trust and you finally stop trying?

How long
Can you keep adding straws,


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by Soumalya Chatterjee

I have understood my mother in the present weather.
Her colourless, toothless, though contended a smile
Naif, fair, with dappled on face,
Age and height middled
Beautiful, my ‘maa’ she was.

In winter, she caught the ability to forget,
Forget her past, her present.... future-
Everything, but not everything, not me.
I was the nectar if bee she was,


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The Search
by Edwin Miles

blur my vision
let lines appear
let shapes appear
now mountains
here come staggered soldiers
marching armies
they come for us
to find us
to harvest and to harm us
we are wanted


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Livingstone Seaside
by Anisha Nyambe

Falling rain,
falling pain
over me
all in vain.
I come to you
so speak so true
because Livingstone seaside
I miss you.
See the falls
and hear the calls;


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Recent Longing Poems
by Teo Luchin

“Only kiss me on my forehead,
if you're trying to make me yours."
A gentle sterness in your voice.
A soft command that echoes.

Is it a dare or a boundary?
I still can't decide.
And now here you are, wrappen in nights emrace.
As I see myself leaning in.


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Turn me into a flower
by Teo Luchin

Oh god, turn me into a flower.
So I can find my home in the rain.
No longer lying awake,
wondering if I've soaked in the sun enough that day.

Turn me into a flower.
A yellow one, quitly bright.
So I can be picked,
without pretending to be anything more.


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Running from Fate
by Birdie Lucas

I am fifteen and I do not dream of houses and husbands and children
Like the other girls around me
I am sixteen and I don’t care if the boys don’t notice me
I surely do not notice them
I am seventeen and I am so different from everyone in my town
I cannot wait to leave
I am eighteen and I am leaving for college
Finally free from the judgment of my small town
I am nineteen and I drop out
I pack my bags and move to a city


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While In Anticipation
by Besa Dede

I await by the window, yearning.
Like the shore awaits for her wavelets.
Like the nest allures the bird to come back,
Like the flower impatiently expects Spring.

But you're far away...

Amongst the infinite horizons, I sketch your image.
And my longing I send to thee, with the wind.
She's my Hermes, the courier..


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by Besa Dede

I went away from you one day
My shoulders trembling, my legs shaking.
I cried and cried and cried.
The ocean put a barrier between us.
My pain made the ocean deeper, my tears brewed it saltier…

I went away from you, my dear ones,
... I left, keeping my head back …

And as I drag my heavily packed suitcase


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