Lobster fetish Poems

Popular Lobster fetish Poems
burger king
by Matthew Conrad

alt. title: raw scallop nugget: kiev-esque chicken

you can undercook pork - a little bit of pink
is rather - favourable -
you can undercook beef - a little bit...
let's go full bleu: which has a name... pittsburg
but please don't slaughter the cow,
send it to the butchers for the cuts...
and then shame it by cooking it well done...


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Recent Lobster fetish Poems
burger king
by Matthew Conrad

alt. title: raw scallop nugget: kiev-esque chicken

you can undercook pork - a little bit of pink
is rather - favourable -
you can undercook beef - a little bit...
let's go full bleu: which has a name... pittsburg
but please don't slaughter the cow,
send it to the butchers for the cuts...
and then shame it by cooking it well done...


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