Ll Poems

Popular Ll Poems
War Dogs
by Tammy Darby

They shudder with pleasure at the prospect of war.
And laugh with glee as they count their coppers and coin
Their ears are deaf to the mother's cry
Who by their sons' cold gravesides mourn

Demon's twittering and powerful whisper in their ears
As the befouled drink from chalices filled with children's tears
Dressed in man skin capes
Sitting upon thrones composed of endless sin


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Recent Ll Poems
War Dogs
by Tammy Darby

They shudder with pleasure at the prospect of war.
And laugh with glee as they count their coppers and coin
Their ears are deaf to the mother's cry
Who by their sons' cold gravesides mourn

Demon's twittering and powerful whisper in their ears
As the befouled drink from chalices filled with children's tears
Dressed in man skin capes
Sitting upon thrones composed of endless sin


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