Nowhere seems to be the same
As it was a year or just a minute ago
See what a swift evolution this terrene has made
Where nothing is as same as we imagined to get
Before our ingress in this juncture.
Every hominid is busy in his contest
To win the senate in his pasture of passion
And even the innocent creations of daemon
Have been dragged into the marathon of heroic world
Dipped and merged
In the dire darkness,
He is the one
Who is busy-
Building up a world
Of light and delight,
Pondering over the dreams
That might bring laughter
In million lives,
A poet
Is someone who just paints
A rainbow of Eros
In the raining skies of the lovers
Beyond their horizon of lust,
As we were walking
the wild boy of the wind
pushed past us
kicked up some dust
then collapsed in a nearby field.
To write a poem
Is a task-
Not so easy as making a cup of tea
Nor so difficult as breaking a fence
To set a prisoner free.
But it is as good as breaking a way
Into the most mysterious cave
The other day I met-
A sad looking poet
Walking swift, very fast
Along the railway track.
I just moved ahead,
A poet is but
A God in disguise,
Who creates -
Worlds new and alive
Without borders,
States alien and neighbouring
Without wars,
A poet
Is someone who
Lives in the mortal world
But loves the immortals,
A poet
Is someone who
Lives in whirlpools of Intolerances
But loves to understand,
A poet
Is someone
Who, adds a new page
To the writing pad of loving hearts
Who, have undergone erotic lethargy
A poet
Is someone who just paints
A rainbow of Eros
In the raining skies of the lovers
Beyond their horizon of lust,