Learning Poems

Popular Learning Poems
by Peter Dr Lim

You can always learn something from what people say or do, or what they don't, but this requires much humility, attention and patience

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625 days and counting
by Grace Frost

365 days we are celebrating you,
Life redefined in 2 pink lines,
625 days this love is brand new.

January to October time to grow,
Impatience is a family trait, 12/09/21,
365 days we are celebrating you.

10pm, 1am and 3am feeds,
Fatigued but morning comes again,


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by baby panda

i guess you think you know pain
until it shows you a different face
a broken bone, a haggard face in the mirror you cant bear to look at

a heartbreak you barely survive
(i swear i thought i was dying)

i guess you think you know love
until the day you realise you dont
and you have to learn it


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by Mustafa Jafari

Oh he’s ever-changing
But still in love with who he was
Never perfect, yet always enough
Heart and intentions are invariably to please
Oof his demons get the best of him
Evolving daily to meet his higher-self
But gahh damn! he seems busy
One day they’ll connect and see
He was inside him, the whole journey
That day is not too far


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

beyond blue mountains
deep gold horizon sunrise
a peach rose unfurls

suddenly so green
and baby jays are singing
blindsided by spring

rise up at pink dawn
the early bird is crowing


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Recent Learning Poems
by Peter Dr Lim

You can always learn something from what people say or do, or what they don't, but this requires much humility, attention and patience

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625 days and counting
by Grace Frost

365 days we are celebrating you,
Life redefined in 2 pink lines,
625 days this love is brand new.

January to October time to grow,
Impatience is a family trait, 12/09/21,
365 days we are celebrating you.

10pm, 1am and 3am feeds,
Fatigued but morning comes again,


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by baby panda

i guess you think you know pain
until it shows you a different face
a broken bone, a haggard face in the mirror you cant bear to look at

a heartbreak you barely survive
(i swear i thought i was dying)

i guess you think you know love
until the day you realise you dont
and you have to learn it


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Don't look under the bed
by Dorothy Eleanor

Every child reaches the age
When their thoughts need no consent.
When hearts twist and writhe,
Simple encounters evoke torment.

Days pass as moments,
Slipping through the tightest of grips;
Youth kisses sweet time goodbye
With soft, selfish lips.


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Ages of Acclaim
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I plan to discover more works of the great masters,
Like the rich green meadow find of bright red asters!
That is my New Year's resolution, a pledge to myself-
To enjoy and benefit from history's vast store of wealth;
And the glories of yesteryear lie waiting upon the shelf.

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