Latin man Poems

Popular Latin man Poems
aspasia, phryne, rahab, theodora, hagar (poem II)
by Matthew Conrad

- h, μ, ч, ᚠ (ה or the phonecian, closer to the runes) -

the impeding "doom" of overtly-intelligent comedy...
for all i know: tragedy is as simple as simple comes,
but comedy, for "no apparent" reason requires
the i.q. nudge-nudge...
well... when i was last found listening to
ridicule... or rather... no: it was ridicule...
comedy and rhetoric...
it's the most perfect example of how there's


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Recent Latin man Poems
aspasia, phryne, rahab, theodora, hagar (poem II)
by Matthew Conrad

- h, μ, ч, ᚠ (ה or the phonecian, closer to the runes) -

the impeding "doom" of overtly-intelligent comedy...
for all i know: tragedy is as simple as simple comes,
but comedy, for "no apparent" reason requires
the i.q. nudge-nudge...
well... when i was last found listening to
ridicule... or rather... no: it was ridicule...
comedy and rhetoric...
it's the most perfect example of how there's


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