Land Poems

Popular Land Poems
Tough Tree
by Ayatullah Nurjati

The dry leaves are shaken off by the wind
The wind softly whispered in the tired of the dizzy climate
The land regenerates willingly on the animals that inhabit it
The leaves are ready and willing to be eaten by insects, worms and slugs

Trees that soar high reaching the sky have been tested by various storms as if they are still strong even though they are old but still protect every habitat below
His organs seemed willing to die and regenerate because that was the sacrifice of his life
When the harvest season arrives, it's not uncommon for him to be stoned or his
branches deliberately broken to get something, but he still reciprocates by giving the fruits he produces.


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To High Land Lass
by Pijush Biswas

O come, say, no more days to wait
O high land lass, bait again!
Let portrait thy land by thy trait
And go all shadows of pain.

Old meadows, glades- - all are still
Although unglistening at thy absence
Winter is gone, Farewell!
Yet, all pain my sense.


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Recent Land Poems
To High Land Lass
by Pijush Biswas

O come, say, no more days to wait
O high land lass, bait again!
Let portrait thy land by thy trait
And go all shadows of pain.

Old meadows, glades- - all are still
Although unglistening at thy absence
Winter is gone, Farewell!
Yet, all pain my sense.


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Tough Tree
by Ayatullah Nurjati

The dry leaves are shaken off by the wind
The wind softly whispered in the tired of the dizzy climate
The land regenerates willingly on the animals that inhabit it
The leaves are ready and willing to be eaten by insects, worms and slugs

Trees that soar high reaching the sky have been tested by various storms as if they are still strong even though they are old but still protect every habitat below
His organs seemed willing to die and regenerate because that was the sacrifice of his life
When the harvest season arrives, it's not uncommon for him to be stoned or his
branches deliberately broken to get something, but he still reciprocates by giving the fruits he produces.


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