Kiss Poems

Popular Kiss Poems
by Gayatri Puri

I saw a dream
Standing with you,
Near the rivers and streams
Having an ice-cream
Kissing you without any a'we
Looking at thee
Just you and me.

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by Henry Van Dyke

The melancholy gift Aurora gained
From Jove, that her sad lover should not see
The face of death, no goddess asked for thee,
My Keats! But when the crimson blood-drop stained
Thy pillow, thou didst read the fate ordained, --
Brief life, wild love, a flight of poesy!
And then, -- a shadow fell on Italy:
Thy star went down before its brightness waned,

Yet thou hast won the gift Tithonus missed:


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by Thomas Moore

When daylight was yet sleeping under the pillow,
And stars in the heavens still lingering shone,
Young Kitty, all blushing, rose up from her pillow,
The last time she e'er was to press it alone.
For the youth whom she treasured her heart and her soul in
Had promised to link the last tie before noon;
And when once the young heart of a maiden is stolen,
The maiden herself will steal after it soon.

As she look'd in the glass, which a woman ne'er misses,


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War Is Never Over
by Cecil L. Harrison

War is never over
Thought the treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds

War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone


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Thoreau In Italy
by Robert Francis

Lingo of birds was easier than lingo of peasants-
they were elusive, though, the birds, for excellent reasons.
He thought of Virgil, Virgil who wasn't there to chat with.

History he never forgave for letting Latin
lapse into Italian, a renegade jabbering
musical enough but not enough to call music

So he conversed with stones, imperial and papal.
Even the preposterous popes he could condone


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Recent Kiss Poems
A kiss from God
by Pilgrim Roy

"Let us make man in our image, " the angels heard God say
and watched in silence as He fashioned Man from the clay.
Kneeling down God gathered all of the dust into a mound
and like a potter He formed Adam, the man on the ground.

Lovingly knitting all of the atoms together there
He moulded the first Man with such tender loving care.
Then wonder of all wonders the Almighty's lips met his
and that man of clay became a living soul by God's kiss.


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Butterfly Kisses
by Robert Chase

Gently, lightly brushing
Lips grazing - barely touching
Mouths watering - tongues quivering
Tantalizing, teasing, exquisite torture
Steamy breath - wafting, mingling
Eyes twitching, hearts pounding
Hands on bodies - backs, arms, hips
Lips pressing, mouths opening, tongues darting
Slowly, mindfully, Enticingly
Patience ennobled - dreams exceeded


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I remember
by Julie Staugaard

They say you always remember your first kiss.
So why can’t I remember mine?

I remember the person,
I remember her hair,
The way her mouth was narrow and shaped like a heart.

But I can’t remember when that mouth first touched mine.

I remember the words she spoke,


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by Gayatri Puri

I saw a dream
Standing with you,
Near the rivers and streams
Having an ice-cream
Kissing you without any a'we
Looking at thee
Just you and me.

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Lovers' Lips
by Blaine B

"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips" – Percy Shelley
Soul mates.
Our connection was so pure,
Our hearts combined as if they were made for each other,
As if we were made for each other,
And when your hand
Meets mine,
That connection is only made stronger,
Your fingertips shock my skin with pure joy,
Your lips send a jolt through mine,


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    28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832 / Frankfurt am Main
  • Robert Herrick
    Robert Herrick (42 poems about Kiss)
    1591-1674 / London / England
  • Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Wilde (24 poems about Kiss)
    1854-1900 / Dublin / Ireland
  • Dorothy Parker
    Dorothy Parker (18 poems about Kiss)
    22 August 1893 - 7 June 1967 / Long Branch / New Jersey
  • Emily Pauline Johnson
    Emily Pauline Johnson (15 poems about Kiss)
    Tekahionwake] (10 March 1861 – 7 March 1913 / Chiefswood, Ontario
  • William Morris
    William Morris (15 poems about Kiss)
    1834 - 1896 / England
  • Kristi Day
    Kristi Day (14 poems about Kiss)
  • Pablo Neruda
    Pablo Neruda (13 poems about Kiss)
    July 12, 1904 / Parral, Chile - September 23, 1973 / Santiago, Chile
  • George Meredith
    George Meredith (11 poems about Kiss)
    12 February 1828 – 18 May 1909 / Portsmouth, England
  • Giles Fletcher The Elder
    Giles Fletcher The Elder (10 poems about Kiss)
    1548 - 1611 / Watford, Hertfordshire
Popular Poets about Kiss From Members
  • Elaine Willis
    Elaine Willis (1 poems about Kiss)
    April 20th 1996 - New York
  • sea from theblueside
    sea from theblueside (1 poems about Kiss)
  • Louis Zo
    Louis Zo (1 poems about Kiss)
    April 20, 2001 - Mandalay
  • Blaine B
    Blaine B (1 poem about Kiss)
    September 2005 - Australia
  • Julie Staugaard
    Julie Staugaard (1 poems about Kiss)
    June 12, 2003 - Denmark
  • Pilgrim Roy
    Pilgrim Roy (1 poems about Kiss)
    I am a pilgrim travelling the heavenly way walking through life with Jesus. He is my constant companion and friend