Kate Poems

Popular Kate Poems
by Chris Wind

With great disturbance, I hear it said
My story doth much to entertain,
'Tis light and with a happy end,
In short, 'tis thought a comedy!

Dost thou laugh to see a shrew?
Indeed, I pray thee, what is a shrew?
What am I that I be so named?
'Tis said I am froward and I vow 'tis true–
But for a man to be so bold is not a fault.


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Recent Kate Poems
by Chris Wind

With great disturbance, I hear it said
My story doth much to entertain,
'Tis light and with a happy end,
In short, 'tis thought a comedy!

Dost thou laugh to see a shrew?
Indeed, I pray thee, what is a shrew?
What am I that I be so named?
'Tis said I am froward and I vow 'tis true–
But for a man to be so bold is not a fault.


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