Human Poems

Popular Human Poems
by Adriano Rada


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A Day Without Internet
by Priya Goel

We humans have the power to sustain anything.
Whether it is an expensive watch or a diamond ring.
But, when it comes to communication lack,
We so keen, try every possible hack.

Internet has made us its slave,
Life without it seems in a lonely cave.
People always wanting to chat,
Don't even know the life under a villager's hat.


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The great grand chase
by Ananya Shree

In this human cult
There go sprinting rats
Chasing for the glittering bronze
Passing on the baton of grudge to their pups
Bearing on insecurities
With jaundiced eyes
Weeping miseries

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My Color Is Naturally Human
by Hébert Logerie

Do you think your colors matter?
My beautiful shades do not matter
Because my natural color is human
And I am a being created in the image
Of the Almighty God. I am like a page
With a rainbow in his heart. I am a man
Who’s proud to be who he is. Color is not
Important for me. I am interested in knowing
You as a person, if you’re kind because I have a lot
To share with you: my life experiences travelling


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by Fauzan Mustapa

Don't you think it's beautiful?
How they connect
The sky and the stars

Same here with our scars
Through art platform
We connect
Does it makes you wonder
How beautiful it is to be


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Recent Human Poems
by Adriano Rada


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My Color Is Naturally Human
by Hébert Logerie

Do you think your colors matter?
My beautiful shades do not matter
Because my natural color is human
And I am a being created in the image
Of the Almighty God. I am like a page
With a rainbow in his heart. I am a man
Who’s proud to be who he is. Color is not
Important for me. I am interested in knowing
You as a person, if you’re kind because I have a lot
To share with you: my life experiences travelling


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The Positive Rainbow
by Sherley T Abraham

The Positive Rainbow

It Listens to worldly matters
It walks and stays everywhere
It views Black and White
It is like an unending Mystery

It has three forms
It hurts and loves
It has bad and good effects


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September Clouds
by Jason Lyle

And I shall shake the clouds
As if it were
A fresh laundered shirt in the hands of old ma.
Strung up on clothes pins.
To catch the wind.
With nimble fingers and
Prayers to god.
I’ll catch em by their shoulders.
I'll wring out every last drop.
Till my feet are mired in mud.


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The Orca (Story)
by Slava P, aka Maximus Decimus Meridius

Chapter 1

“I will never leave you my baby, I am your mom and now my priority is you.”

It was early March at the Norway Coast. The water temperature was at thirty two degrees Fahrenheit or zero Celsius. The ocean was still invitingly cool. If it would get warmer, the whole pod would take off, swimming to Antarctica where waters were much chillier. They had a choice and could make decisions, and were very smart creatures.
She felt big and knew that anytime now she would produce a being that she would love, cherish and protect. It was wiggling and struggling inside of her and she was pushing her baby out, head first. Most orca whales gave birth to their offspring tail first, rarely the way she did. She was spinning and swimming in circles, faster at times, pushing her baby out. At some point she looked like a drill bit switched on high if you looked at it directly. She felt stretching and pressure down below her stomach near her tail as she made few loud distinct sounds. Her group mates knew what was going on with her and let her be by herself. They were all around but in the distance, looking like dark shadows slowly moving around her. She pushed while spinning and pushed again and again. She felt pressure and pain subsiding and a little baby orca male was getting borne as she let him out to the new world.

She had carried him for about seventeen months, but that was her job being a good mother. She was protecting herself all this time and the group was also protective of her. Orcas have pods inside a group established and if you are a part of it, you always stay together like a family.
He came out and at one point was disoriented and confused by his surroundings and slowly, he started to process the environment he was in by taking in the murky and enormously big ocean space. His instincts were kicking in fast and he thought that he wouldn’t be able to keep up with them all the time. His head throbbed as he swam away from his mother. He propelled deep down and stopped. There was no ending to it and he could go and go as far as he could, he thought. A moment later he realized that this was not what he wanted. He wanted to be with her as much as possible, be part of her life, be around her and make her happy, be part of a family.


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