Honesty Poems

Popular Honesty Poems
Tunbridge Wells
by Lord John Wilmot

At five this morn, when Phoebus raised his head
From Thetis' lap, I raised myself from bed,
And mounting steed, I trotted to the waters
The rendesvous of fools, buffoons, and praters,
Cuckolds, whores, citizens, their wives and daughters.

My squeamish stomach I with wine had bribed
To undertake the dose that was prescribed;
But turning head, a sudden curséd view
That innocent provision overthrew,


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A Quiet Repose
by Carla Jean Laglia Esely

The majestic mountain's calls out to my sensitive soul.
"Come home, come home, come "please"! console".
Hear the stories of the days of old.
Some stories humble, some stories bold.
Hear about the forgotten lore of pioneer's centuries past!
Their hopes, their dreams, their hard won tasks.
Of building a nation on honesty, integrity, faith and love.
Has all been disregarded like a worn out glove.
"Walk down my trail's the pioneers once tread."
"With loyal compassion now long time dead!"


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A Man's A Man For A' That
by Robert Burns

Is there for honesty poverty
That hings his head, an' a' that;
The coward slave - we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
Our toils obscure an' a' that,
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
The man's the gowd for a' that.

What though on hamely fare we dine,


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A Praise Of His Lady
by John Heywood

GIVE place, you ladies, and begone!
   Boast not yourselves at all!
For here at hand approacheth one
   Whose face will stain you all.

The virtue of her lively looks
   Excels the precious stone;
I wish to have none other books
   To read or look upon.


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Give Chance To Grow
by Rafiq Pasha

Let there be no restrictions
let there be no limitations
for the poor and needy.

For skint if any opportunity arise
let them reap the surprise
just support the weak and weedy.

Under the shadow of poverty
these beings exhibit honesty


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Recent Honesty Poems
All These
by Pijush Biswas

All these, Distress, Strain, Owe
Fight to the ages' demand
Or, crave for attainment, to bestow
The world, hand by hand.

All these, Love, Mercy, Pity
To the world's highest fulfilment
Manifest the eternity to beauty
When Hate, too long, spent.


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by Peter Dr Lim

Saying 'I can't'

is not my weakness

but my very strength

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Be Brave Enough To Say It
by Hébert Logerie

Be brave enough to walk away
And don’t look back
Be brave to say goodbye
Be brave enough to go your way
Be brave not to tell a lie.

Remember how the whole mess started
It was a beautiful spring day like today
The humming birds were antsy and enchanted
And the squirrels were crossing the freeway.


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A Nation Of Cowards
by Hébert Logerie

Powerful words,
Truthful words,
Honest words,
Brave words;
This is exactly what the Doctor orders,
For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrors
Of blatant racism,
Unfairness, injustice,
Nepotism and sexism.
A man of Peace,


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Two sides to every story
by Sharon Morgan

Two sides to every story; this is what we always say
He said she said, he thought, she thought,
Two ears to hear and one mouth to speak
Secrets will leak
Gossip will speak.

Truth becomes distorted as each lie is supported
Building blocks of communication
Become formidable walls of silence


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