Hell Poems

Popular Hell Poems
Apocalypse's Overture: Ascending From Hell's Abyss To Heavenly Glory
by Christen Kuikoua

In the Apocalypse of Hell, a warning strong,
Of destruction and judgment, where dark throngs,
Where eyes that sin, must cut to save,
To seek the path, the righteous pave.

Hell's inferno starts on Earth's domain,
A consequence of tongues that stain,
But just like seeds that die, then grow,
In Heaven's realm, our souls will know.


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Life in Hell
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Through a long dark path the sinful walk, their souls burdened unable to talk. From neck to chin, with chains they are bonded, to the call of their Lord they unwillingly responded.

In the distance they hear the roars of hell, it welcomes its guests by ringing a bell. Their rotten flesh is all they smell, they quench their thirst from a boiling well.

In the fires of hell they eternally dwell, to the life of bliss had bid farewell. They cry out in pain and try to rebel, but the keepers of hell do swiftly quell. There flesh is stripped, right off their bone, from the intensity of pain you can hear their groan.

They scream and ask what have we done? Today you are rewarded for the sins you have won. To friends and kin feel free to call, but none of them will save your soul. Now you pay for all your sins, into damnation your journey begins.

Saleh Ben Saleh

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by Adriano Rada


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do you remember(as a child)
by Rumi Ullidov

Do you remember
As a child
When the neighbour
Pissed off
Chided you?

Did you get angry
Because he shouted
Or embarrassed
Because he was right?


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by Tammy Darby

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Recent Hell Poems
by Adriano Rada


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Life in Hell
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Through a long dark path the sinful walk, their souls burdened unable to talk. From neck to chin, with chains they are bonded, to the call of their Lord they unwillingly responded.

In the distance they hear the roars of hell, it welcomes its guests by ringing a bell. Their rotten flesh is all they smell, they quench their thirst from a boiling well.

In the fires of hell they eternally dwell, to the life of bliss had bid farewell. They cry out in pain and try to rebel, but the keepers of hell do swiftly quell. There flesh is stripped, right off their bone, from the intensity of pain you can hear their groan.

They scream and ask what have we done? Today you are rewarded for the sins you have won. To friends and kin feel free to call, but none of them will save your soul. Now you pay for all your sins, into damnation your journey begins.

Saleh Ben Saleh

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Apocalypse's Overture: Ascending From Hell's Abyss To Heavenly Glory
by Christen Kuikoua

In the Apocalypse of Hell, a warning strong,
Of destruction and judgment, where dark throngs,
Where eyes that sin, must cut to save,
To seek the path, the righteous pave.

Hell's inferno starts on Earth's domain,
A consequence of tongues that stain,
But just like seeds that die, then grow,
In Heaven's realm, our souls will know.


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Count your sins
by Author Reinvented

Count your sins,
You're going to hell,
The devils got your number
So live your crimes well

I'm gonna be
Who I wanna be
God decided long ago
That he don't want me,
Ain't got something to lose,


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Not Every Soul Makes It…
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Save me from myself, dear God...
And from my wretched past...
I’ve paid the ultimate penance...
In this inferno of hell ever last...

I’ve learned the important lessons...
From all my evil ways...
Give my soul some peace, dear God...
In these long and final days...


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