Heaven Poems

Popular Heaven Poems
by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.

I see sounds,
I hear sights,
I taste smells,
I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,
things people do not believe exist,


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by Steve Turner

We believe in Marxfreudanddarwin.
We believe everything is OK
as long as you don't hurt anyone,
to the best of your definition of hurt,
and to the best of your knowledge.

We believe in sex before during
and after marriage.
We believe in the therapy of sin.
We believe that adultery is fun.


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by Aleister Crowley

The mighty sound of forests murmuring
In answer to the dread command;
The stars that shudder when their king
extends his hand,

His awful hand to bless, to curse; or moves
Toward the dimmest den
In the thick leaves, not known of loves
Or nymphs or men;


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by Steve Turner

What happens in heaven?
Will I sit on a cloud?
Is walking or talking
Or jumping allowed?

Will I be on my own
Or with some of my friends?
Does it go on for ever
Or eventually end?


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by Aleister Crowley

When the chill of earth black-breasted is uplifted at the
Of the red sun million-crested, and the forest blossoms
With the light that stirs and lustres of the dawn, and with
the bloom
Of the wind’s cheek as it clusters from the hidden valley’s
gloom :
Then I walk in woodland spaces, musing on the solemn


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Recent Heaven Poems
Divine Answer
by Somali Mukherjee

When I prayed to God,
He answered me with thunder,
With streaks in the sky.

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Anne and Leonard
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

I told he will
So, don't worry, Anne, he will greet you
With a rose and open arms
He will serende you with words of love
With his deep voice and looks
You both will have a chat with cigarettes and wine
His soft sad eyes will bring yr heart closer to his
As he would write poetry, and you dance
He'll be there in a pin-striped suit and a fedora
Waiting for yr hand


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A Paradise Turns Hell (Haiku) - 03
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

A kid asks for more-

Just a loaf could not quench hunger.

A paradise turns into Hell.

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by David Mitchell

Integrity is worth far more than money;
Great are the joys that fill the suff’ring soul;
The devil’s words, though seeming sweet as honey,
In truth are poison, and as black as coal.

This life is filled with sorrow and with crosses,
Which sometimes feel the heaviest of wood;
But there is gain for each of all our losses,
Though there is pain in trying to be good.


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I Am Searching For A Real Hero
by Hébert Logerie

I am searching for a real Hero
Not a virtual or an actual zero
I am searching for many Heroes
And I want to earn many zeros
After any number greater than one
I want to go beyond the Heaven
But I don’t want to get high
I want to go high, high, high
And get as much knowledge that I can
And I want to say that yes, I can


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    25 April 1792 – 29 March 1866 / Fairford, Gloucestershire
  • William Topaz McGonagall
    William Topaz McGonagall (60 poems about Heaven)
    1830 - 1902 / Edinburgh / Scotland
  • William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare (49 poems about Heaven)
    26 April 1564 - 23 April 1616 / Warwickshire
  • Algernon Charl Swinburne
    Algernon Charl Swinburne (49 poems about Heaven)
    5 April 1837 - 10 April 1909 / London
  •  Homer
    Homer (47 poems about Heaven)
    Disputed - c 850 B.C.E. / Disputed
  • William Wordsworth
    William Wordsworth (42 poems about Heaven)
    1770-1850 / Cumberland / England
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning (40 poems about Heaven)
    6 March 1806 – 29 June 1861 / Durham / England
  • Thomas Moore
    Thomas Moore (39 poems about Heaven)
    28 May 1779 – 25 February 1852 / Dublin
  • Friedrich Schiller
    Friedrich Schiller (39 poems about Heaven)
    10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805 / Marbach, Württemberg
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