He was a jolly little man full of fun and laughter,
He played jokes on his fellow men
And to him it did not matter.
Education he had not,
But what he learned he never forgot.
He wrote what he knew all about cancer
so that someday, there will be an answer.
He joined the Canadian Medical Corps.
And served in the Second World War.
He risked his life, to save others,
Johnny MacAlister was six-years-old, young enough still for wishes,
Baby sister, Rosie, was all of three, all giggling and adorable kisses.
With fond, indulgent parents, the family was content in their home,
In a town, sleepy in sunlit day, where a scarlet cock used his comb.
Johnny played with Rosie every day. He loved to get her laughing;
As if a gaudy parade of jesters and clowns, chanced to be passing!
Forget-me-not days brought fast friends, in fruitful times of flowers,
They dumped it on the lonely road,
Then like a streak they sped;
And as along the way I strode
I thought that it was dead:
And then I saw that yelping pup
Rise, race to catch them up.
You know how silly wee dogs are.
It thought they were in fun.
Trying to overtake their car
As a non-golfing husband I revel at tales
Of sunshine filled days chasing small balls,
Some in the rough others in sand,
All these brave girls fighting nature's pitfalls.
I hear of the times the flock of wild ducks
Hindered a drive that was perfectly hit,
And what of those trees that magically moved
With a subsequent shout 'I just want to quit'.
The tires on my bike are flat.
The sky is grouchy gray.
At least it sure feels like that
Since Hanna moved away.
Chocolate ice cream tastes like prunes.
December's come to stay.
They've taken back the Mays and Junes
Since Hanna moved away.
Norah Lynn was ten years old, and dreamed of being a ballet dancer;
Like cherry blossoms, fluttering in breeze, whispering with no answer.
She lived with her parents and sister, Phoebe, in the house upon a hill.
Norah Lynn and Phoebe adored nursery songs; like mockingbird thrill!
Often, they danced in coral twilight, after study and chores were done;
Like the rosy dawn which brings with it, everything under orange sun.
Fences were festooned with flame lilies, to greet plum-fuchsia sunset,
Skating upon Saturn's rings, on the outskirts of gold,
executing my double axel, in the brisk, season of cold.
The sole sound is of ice skates, spraying bits behind;
In rich, purple dusk, of the chaotic universe entwined.
A wide-eyed dreamer, in the red heartbeat of fantasy,
does slow twirls and excited spins, jumping uncannily!
Skating on concentric rings-the adventure of her life,
Stars shining all together, a hundred moons in the sky.
Johnny MacAlister was six-years-old, young enough still for wishes,
Baby sister, Rosie, was all of three, all giggling and adorable kisses.
With fond, indulgent parents, the family was content in their home,
In a town, sleepy in sunlit day, where a scarlet cock used his comb.
Johnny played with Rosie every day. He loved to get her laughing;
As if a gaudy parade of jesters and clowns, chanced to be passing!
Forget-me-not days brought fast friends, in fruitful times of flowers,
The sun is hot
The birds all flock
The boats convene
Revelers serene
The drinks are cool
They make you drool
The wind blows soft
Vivacious, young Adele was quite popular, for she had lots of friends;
Like night's affinity with creamy stars, of joyful glitter that never ends.
She was a professional pet sitter, doing so for her chums sometimes,
Like the chills that one may feel, at seeing summer lemons and limes.
Adele had long loved animals, and had a friend with an unusual pet,
That she cared for often, before burgundy and maroon wowed sunset.
Friends feelingly met her on doorsteps, with fuchsia flowers at her feet,