Fun Poems

Popular Fun Poems
by Steve Turner

We believe in Marxfreudanddarwin.
We believe everything is OK
as long as you don't hurt anyone,
to the best of your definition of hurt,
and to the best of your knowledge.

We believe in sex before during
and after marriage.
We believe in the therapy of sin.
We believe that adultery is fun.


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Talking Turkeys!
by Benjamin Zephaniah

Be nice to yu turkeys dis christmas
Cos' turkeys just wanna hav fun
Turkeys are cool, turkeys are wicked
An every turkey has a Mum.
Be nice to yu turkeys dis christmas,
Don't eat it, keep it alive,
It could be yu mate, an not on your plate
Say, Yo! Turkey I'm on your side.
I got lots of friends who are turkeys
An all of dem fear christmas time,


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Since Hanna Moved Away
by Judith Viorst

The tires on my bike are flat.
The sky is grouchy gray.
At least it sure feels like that
Since Hanna moved away.

Chocolate ice cream tastes like prunes.
December's come to stay.
They've taken back the Mays and Junes
Since Hanna moved away.


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On The Grasshopper And Cricket
by John Keats

The poetry of earth is never dead:
When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,
And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run
From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;
That is the Grasshopper's--he takes the lead
In summer luxury,--he has never done
With his delights; for when tired out with fun
He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.
The poetry of earth is ceasing never:
On a lone winter evening, when the frost


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by Eugene Field

Ed was a man that played for keeps, 'nd when he tuk the notion,
You cudn't stop him any more'n a dam 'ud stop the ocean;
For when he tackled to a thing 'nd sot his mind plum to it,
You bet yer boots he done that thing though it broke the bank to do it!
So all us boys uz knowed him best allowed he wuzn't jokin'
When on a Sunday he remarked uz how he'd gin up smokin'.

Now this remark, that Ed let fall, fell, ez I say, on Sunday--
Which is the reason we wuz shocked to see him sail in Monday
A-puffin' at a snipe that sizzled like a Chinese cracker


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Recent Fun Poems
The Rain Commandments
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

You shall not speak to lightning
As if he were your mate

You shall count your fingers, beginning from
One rainy day to the last

Your bosom shall be cleansed
Before the first rain

If you peep through the door of rain


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What's Your Name?
by Gilligan Snolepart

Once upon a time
There was a bear called Bear

And a dog called Doug
and a cat called Cat

And a sheep call Hugh
And a dolphin called Delphine

And an Ox call Leon


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Now you ask who can I be? A riddle
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Some say I'm soulful,
Others the Devils tool,
One minute I might find you doleful,
The other acting quite the fool.

Yet that's patently unfair,
One aspect that I can't abide,
For I'm as pure as the morning air,
A child of the gentle ocean tide.


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Culture Clash
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a college music teacher, engaged in pitch, tempo, rhythm and melody,
As lavish planets dance around a golden star, with the zeal of fuchsia fidelity.

I taught harmony, vocals and singing, and how to play musical instruments,
Like the harmony of redbird's distant calls, entering into sunglow moments.

Teaching was thrilling and rewarding, a great way to share the love of music,
As roving stars ever return to grape, dusk skies, being apparently homesick.

Loving mysterious music as I did, it followed naturally that I loved to dance;


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Nature's Mimes
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a celebrated, dramatic mime artist, an art developed in ancient Greece;
I took folks on flights of imagination, like cushy, butterscotch clouds of fleece.

So beloved was this art called re-creation, that it had for long been a passion,
Which left contemporary audiences happy, like hued rainbow's lovely sections.

The art had ever fascinated me, being able to convey so much without words,
Only expression, motions and heavy makeup, as when rose and night concur.

Fab, familiar friends flashed flawless smiles, in my flourishing, vibrant garden,


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