Forest Poems

Popular Forest Poems
A Death That Grieves No Stranger
by Patti Masterman

A death that grieves no stranger
Is witless as a mouth
That deaf eyes do not fathom
Mute singleness of route
As pines a troubled forest
For signs of seeded quarry
We herald the dumbest signpost
To break the traveler's story

A death that grieves no stranger


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Hug A Tree
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

When in doubt, hug a tree...
When you can’t find a tree, hug on me...
Be it a maple, a sycamore or a pine...
Any tree will do; any tree is fine...

We must love our forests...
We must love our trees...
We must respect our lands...
If you wouldn’t mind, please...


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The Tangled Forest
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

orange blossom scent
drifted from the verdant trees
as grasshoppers leapt

wildflowers blossomed
and birds sang from green mansions
as spun gold poured down

butterflies wandered
winding river found its way


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Tropical Island Surprise
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

You should have a getaway, my friends all said,
They said I earned it, so why sit home instead?

A real vacation would be the nicest thing yet;
Go see the peachiest scenery you'll never regret!

I listened very carefully to what my friends said,
And dreamed of gay weeks, without getting out of bed.

I told them I'd do it-I'd take a pleasure cruise;


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The Trees of Life
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

The trees of life…
They crave our attention…
We show our love…
Is there no redemption…

We love of children…
From the day they are born…
We nurture their love…
Protect them from the thorn…


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Recent Forest Poems
A Death That Grieves No Stranger
by Patti Masterman

A death that grieves no stranger
Is witless as a mouth
That deaf eyes do not fathom
Mute singleness of route
As pines a troubled forest
For signs of seeded quarry
We herald the dumbest signpost
To break the traveler's story

A death that grieves no stranger


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The Trees of Life
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

The trees of life…
They crave our attention…
We show our love…
Is there no redemption…

We love of children…
From the day they are born…
We nurture their love…
Protect them from the thorn…


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The Tangled Forest
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

orange blossom scent
drifted from the verdant trees
as grasshoppers leapt

wildflowers blossomed
and birds sang from green mansions
as spun gold poured down

butterflies wandered
winding river found its way


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Hug A Tree
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

When in doubt, hug a tree...
When you can’t find a tree, hug on me...
Be it a maple, a sycamore or a pine...
Any tree will do; any tree is fine...

We must love our forests...
We must love our trees...
We must respect our lands...
If you wouldn’t mind, please...


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Lost and Found
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I loved my job as a botanist, which took me to many foreign lands,
Like the golden sun rises smiling, to meet all our natural demands.

I was always marked for this work, ever since I was a small child;
And was often seen wandering the woods, as I loved all things wild!

I'd always liked camping out, and had come to know various plants,
Like crimson flamingos getting to know, a complex courtship dance.

I was often discovering plants to name, and to find out more about,


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