Food Poems

Popular Food Poems
by Augusta Davies Webster

The sun drops luridly into the west;
darkness has raised her arms to draw him down
before the time, not waiting as of wont
till he has come to her behind the sea;
and the smooth waves grow sullen in the gloom
and wear their threatening purple; more and more
the plain of waters sways and seems to rise
convexly from its level of the shores;
and low dull thunder rolls along the beach:
there will be storm at last, storm, glorious storm.


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by Augusta Davies Webster

No not to-night, dear child; I cannot go;
I'm busy, tired; they knew I should not come;
you do not need me there. Dear, be content,
and take your pleasure; you shall tell me of it.
There, go to don your miracles of gauze,
and come and show yourself a great pink cloud.

So, she has gone with half a discontent;
but it will die before her curls are shaped,
and she'll go forth intent on being pleased,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Less deciduous than the rest of the tropical fruits,
Wayward Almond of parched wine of Burgundy,
You were forbidden...

The forbidden fruit of Shell Camp,
How are thy crimson mesocarps?
Traipses to Alvan never were in vain.
Clustering in cloyed versions of yielding
Balls, budding breasts of frayed boughs,


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We Refugees
by Benjamin Zephaniah

I come from a musical place
Where they shoot me for my song
And my brother has been tortured
By my brother in my land.

I come from a beautiful place
Where they hate my shade of skin
They don't like the way I pray
And they ban free poetry.


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Deep In Our Refrigerator
by Jack Prelutsky

Deep in our refrigerator,
there's a special place
for food that's been around awhile...
we keep it, just in case.
'It's probably too old to eat,'
my mother likes to say.
'But I don't think it's old enough
for me to throw away.'

It stays there for a month or more


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Recent Food Poems
The Pilfered Peck
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Peter Piper was ever punctilious, like minty nature's painstaking paintings,
Or the palsied skies of one pretty evening, in the hour of the sun's fainting.

Peter lived upon a small, fertile farm, and was one of five, happy children;
The son of loving, hardworking parents, jointly working until dusk, silken.

They tended cows, pigs and chickens, and farmed potatoes and pumpkins,
As well as peas and pickled peppers, like velvety, dreaming presumptions.

Favored friends called some fuchsia Fridays, when glitter stars came early,


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Cold Porridge
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Patrick, Pearl and Phillip were fond siblings, in halcyon days of fairy tales;
Long beloved of Mother and Father, like beloved ballads of all nightingales.

Father was a successful tailor, creating finest clothes for women and men;
And they dwelled in a village near the river, in teal days of now and then.

Mother sold elegant embroidery, quite pretty, and often much in demand;
Like unforgettable, sunset rainbows, the anon recurring, prismatic bands.

Pearl and her siblings frolicked in the fecund fields, with finest of friends;


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Less deciduous than the rest of the tropical fruits,
Wayward Almond of parched wine of Burgundy,
You were forbidden...

The forbidden fruit of Shell Camp,
How are thy crimson mesocarps?
Traipses to Alvan never were in vain.
Clustering in cloyed versions of yielding
Balls, budding breasts of frayed boughs,


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Food of Life
by Ayatullah Nurjati

I always speak in fact
My mouth is always parsing phenomena
My mouth also always chews the beauty of life
It is part of my life as part of communication with reality

I deliver the entire noumenon down the esophagus to the intestines
The appetizer that I always eat is an ontology assumption that is digested well by my digestion
The main course is epistemological which also always generates energy in continuity in creativity, work and initiative
The dessert is methodology, axiology and rhetoric so that it is very easy to convey throughout the body and cells through my mouth to the pharynx, larynx, large intestine until only feces remain

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Food, the Source of Our Delight
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Food, oh glorious food!
A feast for our senses, so good.
The aroma wafts in the air,
Filling our bellies with care.

A bounty of flavors to explore,
Satisfying our cravings more and more.
From sweet to savory, spicy to mild,
There's a taste for every palate styled.


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