golden bee humming
lost in foliage jade green
where are the flowers
have you flown too far
long miles from the honeycomb
wherefore did you roam
you will find your way
back to the fields of colors
More rat than bird,
more superstition than fox,
you hang from that banyan
branch like a deflated black
umbrella and, when you flap
through the sky across a waxen
moon and the dead rise up
to haunt me, you're more
real than Batman.
On this new day the sky is mad
darkness seems to doom all man.
The clouds far up away from this land,
all of life seems to have ran.
Soaring along with the mourning lark,
while all the world is shrouded in dark.
Through the door my spirit flies,
and up unto the Heaven's high.
The midnight plane with its flying lights
looks like an unloosed star
wandering west through blue-black night
to where the mountains are,
a star that's come so close to earth
to tell each quiet farm and little town,
'Put out your lights, children of earth. Sleep warm.'
last night I dreamed of space flight
into nebulous hued clouds
amidst countless diamond stars
rising and setting
They were young starry-eyed, yet too soon so many had to die.
Brave to a fault with wanderlust of youth, no challenge spurned however seemingly uncouth.
In azure blue skies with only clouds as friends, they sought their prey through war's myopic lens.
No quarter given and none spared by their foes, incandescent bullets superseding schoolyard blows.
Skill and verve no match for destiny's roulette, to survive another day an all too losing bet.
Still they flew and fought with all their might, for love of country protecting it from blight.
Summoned by that bell with its strident chilling tones, pervading every pore of their worn and tired bones.
Verve and duty each relying on the other, no place to hide but raw courage as their cover.
For all those boys that fast turned into men, saving our isles from sweeping plain to gleaming glen,
We shall remember you forever in our lore, the few that gave so much and often so much more.
Sunrise golden hour was fading
Gemmed hummingbirds called on red blooms
Jade new day sparkled in wonder.
Songs from pine trees gushed cascading
the still air heavy with perfumes;
Unrecalled were days of thunder.
A lush garden, blooms invading
for hummingbirds in sweet costumes
Once when I was traveling across azure sky,
I was startled to see a lone giraffe going by,
It roamed with grace, head up in the clouds,
As if born to be remote, from earthy crowds.
In my hot air balloon, I got a bird's eye view,
The giraffe looked straight into my eyes, too!
I went all around the world in my red balloon,
Yet, that was the finest sight, like June moon.
I'm always flying high
Way up in the sky,
And even if you try
You can't get ahold of me.
And Im always flying free,
No more cage for me,
Didn't know it was that easy
To break the law of gravity.
Gold dawn came early
Seven bluebirds on rouge skies
rising up in song
Discovery awaited
on lavender streets up high
Cool breezes were caught
on a 7am flight
Green trees fell away
Sunup had soon turned orange