Feelings Poems

Popular Feelings Poems
by Nehal Mistry

What if I told you I like you?
Would you still treat me the same?
What if I told you I liked you several times since 8th grade?
Would you still maintain our friendship?
You have no idea what goes on in my mind and heart, although I really hope that you do.
I wish you knew, but I don't want to tell you
Because I know how it will end.
I'm not the type of girl you like, although I really wish I was.
I'm not as pretty as her, nor am I as smart as her. I don't want to be like her, but maybe, just maybe, if I was like her, you might have looked at me the way you did to her.
I wish this were in one of those books that I have read. Then there might be a chance of a plot twist, and maybe you like me back as well.


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Sonnet XX – Feelings
by Khayelihle Bongiswa Gamedze

LONELINESS is a better friend,
It sticks with me every minute, every hour of the day.
SORROW a good friend too.
It visits me by night, it never forsakes its hour.
REJECTION touches my shoulder
Every time I meet a special person.
It is a better friend to comfort,
I feel its touch on my shoulder down my spine.
REGRET is my best friend. It shares my bed at night.
It is there holding our hands, me and SORROW.


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I met a word - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

Last night, in my dream,
while i wandering in the wild lands
and crossing silent shadows,
i met a word and ask:
''What's your name?
''My name is love
and i'm alone in life,
i need you,
otherwise will be lost the dream''.
I answered: ''We need you too,


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Will you remember me...
by Raina Hutchins

I know I haven't seen you
I know we’re miles apart
I know I cannot hold you
But I feel you in my heart

Is it wrong to think of you
And you to think of me
Trying not to want
What we know can never be


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by Ashley Reichard

Swimming further and further down
Breathing becomes heavier
There’s no stopping, you want to see how far you can go
You’re passing every mistake you’ve ever made
The further you go the deeper into memories you are
Where does it end? Is the bottom near?

Swimming slower
Losing time and the ability to love


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Recent Feelings Poems
The hunter who became the prey
by Saleh Ben Saleh

There was a hunter,
who lived for game.
His mind was strong,
but thoughts were lame.
He met a deer,
who changed his life.
She stabbed his heart,
with a hunting knife.

The mighty hunter,


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The sight of you
by Tania Marques

The sound of a peal of thunder.

The pounding train tracks feeling of the ground.

Euphoria taking over me.

Just like a soulful moment at sea.

All the disturbances in me are soon fallen,


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by Nehal Mistry

What if I told you I like you?
Would you still treat me the same?
What if I told you I liked you several times since 8th grade?
Would you still maintain our friendship?
You have no idea what goes on in my mind and heart, although I really hope that you do.
I wish you knew, but I don't want to tell you
Because I know how it will end.
I'm not the type of girl you like, although I really wish I was.
I'm not as pretty as her, nor am I as smart as her. I don't want to be like her, but maybe, just maybe, if I was like her, you might have looked at me the way you did to her.
I wish this were in one of those books that I have read. Then there might be a chance of a plot twist, and maybe you like me back as well.


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The Autumn Which You Took a Sip/Осінь та, яку ти надпив (in Ukr)
by Halyna Myroslava

Неприборкана, не вгаваючи,
Розрослася дощами вкрив,
Осінь вітряна, осінь лаюча,
Осінь та, яку ти згубив.

Неприйнятлива, потасована,
Порозтріпана на манівцях,
Не піднявшись з колін розкована,
А що зірване, то не птах.


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Sit with it
by Daisy H

Sit with it,
Invite your fear for tea,
Make your feelings guests,
Anger, love and glee.

Let them be heard,
Celebrate them too,
They are yours to feel,
They belong to you.


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