Feeling Poems

Popular Feeling Poems
Reflections of the Self
by Ayatullah Nurjati

As I stand, a poet in an ocean of words,
Unspoken feelings, unheard verses surge.
What is this craft, this calling to write?
Is it light for others or my own plight?

I pen the tales of others, the struggles they bear,
Yet each word I write is a weight I wear.
To live, to serve, to break free from norm,
A poet’s life—a perpetual storm.


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Just Strangers With Memories
by Anisha Nyambe

We're not friends, not enemies,
just strangers with memories
loosely hanging on the wall;
silently awaiting to die and fall.
Pass me by and remember to forget
a pausing moment you wish to regret.
Our eyes shall meet
and we shall shuffle our feet
when the smile we try to form
is the exact opposite of norm.


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Shining Veneto
by Zach Ascot

Beneath the sun in shining Veneto,
Wondering freely alongside warm radiant houses,
Clinging vines embrace the structures,
Pastel streets developing,
Town life unfolds slowly,
Strolling as you wonder,
How did you ever forget this?

There's love in shining Veneto,
Love around every corner,


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A Poem on Beauty
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

Beauty of the body
You embody
In my eyes;
My mind is dazzled
By the beauty
From your mind…

Aglow with the beauty


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A Sonnet 19: Freedom of Love
by Ayatullah Nurjati

The beauty had been revealed
Loves comes from ratio, feeling into the psychomotor agitation
Love can be understood by it is detailed
Feeling is never being motivation

I feel so courage and braveheart
There is no logic for proofing it all
Because love comes from the heart
There is no political element, engineering or something that is made up to prove it all


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Recent Feeling Poems
Reflections of the Self
by Ayatullah Nurjati

As I stand, a poet in an ocean of words,
Unspoken feelings, unheard verses surge.
What is this craft, this calling to write?
Is it light for others or my own plight?

I pen the tales of others, the struggles they bear,
Yet each word I write is a weight I wear.
To live, to serve, to break free from norm,
A poet’s life—a perpetual storm.


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A Feeling I’ll Never Have Again
by Antonio Hamersky

I felt boundless out north on Knox on a
cold turn of the just-after New Years.
Even though it was a new year,
there was a chance to be a new person,
There’s always another chance,
there will always be another chance
Though this was something I never really knew
Until that time I felt boundless out north
On Knox on a cold turn just after New Years

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The sight of you
by Tania Marques

The sound of a peal of thunder.

The pounding train tracks feeling of the ground.

Euphoria taking over me.

Just like a soulful moment at sea.

All the disturbances in me are soon fallen,


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Existence Of Love
by Ayatullah Nurjati

She dared to harbour feeling her love for a man
And for more than 1 decade the woman has ventured to collect her love for the
She began to dare to squirm to express all what she felt
Differences in age, space and time have taught the woman how to be in love
She dared to harbour her love for a man

Now the reality is different, the man already has a companion; the woman still
hopes that the man is indeed her soul mate
Even though it looks odd, it is clear that love can never choose


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A Sonnet 19: Freedom of Love
by Ayatullah Nurjati

The beauty had been revealed
Loves comes from ratio, feeling into the psychomotor agitation
Love can be understood by it is detailed
Feeling is never being motivation

I feel so courage and braveheart
There is no logic for proofing it all
Because love comes from the heart
There is no political element, engineering or something that is made up to prove it all


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