Father Poems

Popular Father Poems
The City In Which I Loved You
by Li-Young Lee

And when, in the city in which I love you,
even my most excellent song goes unanswered,
andI mount the scabbed streets,
the long shouts of avenues,
and tunnel sunken night in search of you...

That I negotiate fog, bituminous
rain rining like teeth into the beggar's tin,
or two men jackaling a third in some alley
weirdly lit by a couch on fire, that I


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The Stranger
by Rudyard Kipling

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,


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A Father’s Day Tribute: To A Father Like My Own
by Christen Kuikoua

Few words I pen, for today is your day,
A celebration of you, in every way.
Thrilled and happy, my heart does sing,
For your life has been a blessing in everything.

A father you are, steadfast and true,
A husband so loving, through and through.
A godly man, with wisdom to share,
A parent so devoted, beyond compare.


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A Story
by Li-Young Lee

Sad is the man who is asked for a story
and can't come up with one.

His five-year-old son waits in his lap.
Not the same story, Baba. A new one.
The man rubs his chin, scratches his ear.

In a room full of books in a world
of stories, he can recall
not one, and soon, he thinks, the boy


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Ballad Of The Banished And Returning Count
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

OH, enter old minstrel, thou time-honour'd one!
We children are here in the hall all alone,

The portals we straightway will bar.
Our mother is praying, our father is gone

To the forest, on wolves to make war.
Oh sing us a ballad, the tale then repeat,

'Till brother and I learn it right;


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Recent Father Poems
Before The Beginning Began
by Christen Kuikoua

Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
Before the light of morning’s crest,
There was a Presence, pure and grand,
Who shaped the stars with His own hand.

He did not begin where beginnings unfold,
Nor fit within the bounds of old,
For He, the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause,
Initiated all with divine laws.


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A Father’s Day Tribute: To A Father Like My Own
by Christen Kuikoua

Few words I pen, for today is your day,
A celebration of you, in every way.
Thrilled and happy, my heart does sing,
For your life has been a blessing in everything.

A father you are, steadfast and true,
A husband so loving, through and through.
A godly man, with wisdom to share,
A parent so devoted, beyond compare.


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by Brady Stewart

I was there when they found him
Alive, barely inching across the concrete
he needed to go
He needed to go.
He needed a fact functioning friend
To dismiss, allieve,
Align with the lust for damnation.
To damn your dearest creation


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by mika bandy

Today my father walked away from me
I was 8 years old again
and all I could do was cry
as i grieved the love i never had
and yearned for the care he never gave me

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the man
by norman rockwell

You begged me not to confess, to lie about my quiddity,
for it pierces through your skin to hear my certitude and witness my color.
So, I listened and deceived you, as well as myself.
I did it for as long as air merged out of my body.
Still and all, the time arrived where I exhausted my soul.
You noticed but stayed blind.
That's the extent of the hatred you garnered to the man I embellished.
So I apologize, for I am what you loathe, father.

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  •  Li-Young Lee
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  • Allen Ginsberg
    Allen Ginsberg (11 poems about Father)
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  •  Ovid
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    43 BCE - 17 CE / Rome / Italy
  • John Bunyan
    John Bunyan (10 poems about Father)
    28 November 1628 – 31 August 1688 / Elstow, Bedfordshire, England.
  • Russell Edson
    Russell Edson (9 poems about Father)
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  • Anne Bradstreet
    Anne Bradstreet (8 poems about Father)
    1612 – 16 September 1672 / Northampton, England
  • David Lehman
    David Lehman (8 poems about Father)
    June 11, 1948 / New York City
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