Evening Poems

Popular Evening Poems
A Standstill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon
that's peeping at the window


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Burnt Orange
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

magenta magic
recently escaped eve's skies
darkening to plum

crows caw on the wing
as pink sun turns red-orange
day goes up in flames

mango berry crush
mahogany shadows move


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One Velvet Evening
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Tranquil, pearly moon arises, at the tangerine end of the memorable day,
Just like the ones we knew back when, until golden time was swept away.

Dressed up people laugh somewhere, very eager for a night on the town,
When the resplendent moon is wearing, twinkling diamonds in her crown.

And far-off planets are peering, in the vibrant hues of blue, beige and red,
A sign peaceful night is already dreaming, like hued flowers in their beds.

The breezes have grown gentle, from a continuous roar, to awed whisper,


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A Burgundy Sign
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Fruits of a long day
black cherries in sundown skies
Then deep purple night
We've long loved the sun
but now greet dusky shadows

The platinum moon
sends rich luster from afar
in the wild rose phase
The birds have not sung lately


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Firefly in rouge, dusk flames,
Flying in charmed wonder;
Famed since glad childish days
Fast moving, slow blinking,
Fanatic of cream moon.
Fervency of summer,
Fuchsia night green stunner!

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Recent Evening Poems
A Standstill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon
that's peeping at the window


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Burnt Orange
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

magenta magic
recently escaped eve's skies
darkening to plum

crows caw on the wing
as pink sun turns red-orange
day goes up in flames

mango berry crush
mahogany shadows move


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Nuances of Pink
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Water lily lake
in hot pink epoch of sun
Coral lilies bob
Fuchsia flight, dusk melodies
Salmon rose sends scents

Moonlight lake gleams, as
skies darken to amaranth
Pink daisy twilight
Gathering sweet raspberries


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Firefly in rouge, dusk flames,
Flying in charmed wonder;
Famed since glad childish days
Fast moving, slow blinking,
Fanatic of cream moon.
Fervency of summer,
Fuchsia night green stunner!

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Colors Came Down
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Colors chase the sun into evening ~ its reflection in risen moon.

blooms glow sunset hues
gold time has stopped in magic
and pretty tree songs

Purple butterflies exude fragrance in their wake,
like dressed up ladies, off into shadows opaque.


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