Dreams Poems

Popular Dreams Poems
The Call to Wisdom
by Zach Ascot

Hollow knocking,
Skies that blur,
Calling for your attention,
Time to wake up.
A strange sense of peace upon you,
Where is your place in history?

Assess your existence,
Time grinds forwards,
Are you being left behind,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

They come behind the scene
through convoluted images,
speaking truths in drones only.

Silent, they crawl snake-wise
into realities of honey-coated
fantasies and doom-related
dreads and disasters.

Armed to the eyes,


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Don’t tell it to the wind
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Don’t tell it to the wind
To be blown away as vapor
Or share it with a gossiper
As fragile as a dandelion.

Don’t speak of it on the mountaintop;
Even the clouds have ears.
For fear that the Devil hears –
Don’t pray for it aloud to God.


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The Last Poem of 2020
by Zach Ascot

Another step forward,
Another chance at bliss,
With enough self-belief,
To take a chance at this.

Dreams held close,
Beyond mind and etched on paper,
All to be chased,
But the pursuit of love was greater.


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Regret Square
by Zach Ascot

Dark skies provide tonight’s slumber,
As your body rests,
Your mind turns over,
Meeting with those long forgotten and suppressed.
Welcome to where your regrets live,
It’s always raining here.
A dark-haired angel,
In a white lace dress,
Stands to face you.


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Recent Dreams Poems
Promising young man
by Rhys O’Donnell

They shake hands, and sign papers as I wait with baited breath. “We would be delighted to have such a promising young man.” My parents place their hands on my shoulder and a smile spreads across my face.

I was king of all jesters, when I took to the stage it was a performance that lingered In your heart. Truly special they called it, a wonder I was. The other students rushed to give their praises, and the teachers shook my hand referring all those seeking to shine my way. The audience always remembered me no matter how small the role I truly embraced what it was exactly meant to be. They stood clapping and raving
“ What a promising young man!” They cheered.

My eyes filled with stars, my skin never glowed so vibrantly, my hands were soft, and smooth to the touch. I kept my appearance in top condition; after all it was part of the job, and part of the dream.

My friends admired how fast I rose, as they all stumbled trying to find the path to their future I blazed forward on the trail I knew was meant for me with absolute. The students and faculty all spoke with that same certainty
“ if anyone can do it, I’m sure he will! There’s nothing that promising young man can’t do.”


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Don’t tell it to the wind
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Don’t tell it to the wind
To be blown away as vapor
Or share it with a gossiper
As fragile as a dandelion.

Don’t speak of it on the mountaintop;
Even the clouds have ears.
For fear that the Devil hears –
Don’t pray for it aloud to God.


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Manifest Destiny (Or: Let’s Do It)
by Jessica Leininger

Four horsemen
Appear in our nightmares.

Like that perfect ten,
That they are but dreams.

Our demons exercise
While we sleep.

This means we wake to


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

They come behind the scene
through convoluted images,
speaking truths in drones only.

Silent, they crawl snake-wise
into realities of honey-coated
fantasies and doom-related
dreads and disasters.

Armed to the eyes,


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Hardship & Hope
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Dare I dream of hope in a world that's self consuming,
and dare I dream of a home where hearts are always blooming.
Peaceful the mind would be in a land I am assuming,
but hardship is what we find in a world that should be booming.

Wisdom shall be your guide in moments that are confusing,
and damned our lives would be if faith we are accusing.
Clouded are peoples minds with rage that’s over fuming,
and lost are those who think that life is just amusing.


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    Subhas Chandra Chakra (16 poems about Dreams)
    October 13, 1965. Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
  • Raina Hutchins
    Raina Hutchins (3 poems about Dreams)
    16 June 1964 - London, England
  • erato mymuse
    erato mymuse (3 poems about Dreams)
  • Zach Ascot
    Zach Ascot (3 poems about Dreams)
    1994 - United Kingdom
  • Leila Colleen Famisan
    Leila Colleen Famisan (1 poems about Dreams)
    January 19, 2004 - Philippines
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  • Otteri Selvakumar
    Otteri Selvakumar (1 poems about Dreams)
    India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, otteri
  • Donelle Campbell
    Donelle Campbell (1 poems about Dreams)
    Young adult/Novice writer
  • myhobby portal
    myhobby portal (1 poems about Dreams)
    My hobbies include, writing poems, watching sports, movies and colleting coins, currency and other collectible items. I do play online games and keep myself abreast of latest news and happenings.