Dogs Poems

Popular Dogs Poems
The Funeral of Dogs (Dedicated to Roald Amundsen and His 52 Dogs
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I hate to chortle at the sound of broken laughter,
Just like I refrain from weeping when dancing smoke fills my eyes . . .
But when dogs mourn alone,
I chafe my hands with the cold of tears of solitude.
Monuments and cairns I crave among the icy
Terrains, where dogs’ paws leave eternal marks —
The print-marks of an important visit,
Evidence of life on desiccated earth.
On board The Fram they sailed majestically
In the beginning,


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Questions I Ask Myself
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Will the sun always shine...
Even on a rainy day...
Will there always be sunlight...
So the kids come out to play...

Will the birds always sing...
So their music fills the air...
Will you always love me...
Will you always care...


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Tale of a Dog
by John Godfrey Saxe

'Curse on all curs!' I heard a cynic cry;
A wider malediction than he thought-
For what's a cynic?- Had he cast his eye
Within his dictionary, he had caught
This much of learning- the untutored elf-
That he, unwittingly, had cursed himself!
'Beware of dogs,' the great Apostle writes;
A rather brief and sharp philippic sent
To the Philippinas. The paragraph invites


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Friend left behind....
by Aryan Bhardwaj

Once, I was passing by
an old post office about to die
and saw a dog who was shy

the dog made a very appealing cry,
from his little black glowing eyes

It was such a strange feeling...
was happy to have a friend like him
but sad for the person who left him


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To Runaway
by Subbie Vacc

My soul is in agony and nothing can comfort me.
I have abandoned God and I have forgotten that I have a mother who loves me.

My dog is the only one who will not judge me. He whines at me as if he's sharing in my pain and I cry all the more because I guess he understands.
I used to talk to him about existential things, but he behaves no more than a dog should: empathy yes, reasoning no.
Even in this pain I still laugh at how stink his breath is, but I love this little creature and he loves me too.
I tell him what bothers me, but he doesn't seem to care at all.

Here he comes again, poor creature, poorer me.


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Recent Dogs Poems
The Funeral of Dogs (Dedicated to Roald Amundsen and His 52 Dogs
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I hate to chortle at the sound of broken laughter,
Just like I refrain from weeping when dancing smoke fills my eyes . . .
But when dogs mourn alone,
I chafe my hands with the cold of tears of solitude.
Monuments and cairns I crave among the icy
Terrains, where dogs’ paws leave eternal marks —
The print-marks of an important visit,
Evidence of life on desiccated earth.
On board The Fram they sailed majestically
In the beginning,


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Animal Poems: Poems about Animals
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about animals and nature...

The Arrival of the Sea Lions
by Michael R. Burch

The sound
of hounds
resounds in the sound.


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Friend left behind....
by Aryan Bhardwaj

Once, I was passing by
an old post office about to die
and saw a dog who was shy

the dog made a very appealing cry,
from his little black glowing eyes

It was such a strange feeling...
was happy to have a friend like him
but sad for the person who left him


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My Dog Dreams of William Carlos Williams
by Scott Biggerstaff

I watch

with sober
wonder -

what hidden

has he


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Wolf Lite
by Scott Biggerstaff

My dog slops water
with urgent abandon
like a prize pig from teeming troughs

The prosody of his play is
Loose and wild —
He seizes the dog park by the neck

A rabbit darts across our path
And murder fills his heart,


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