Delusional thinking Poems

Popular Delusional thinking Poems
Homo Mediocritus
by Richard Randolph

History is but a jumble of names and dates,
but it happened so long ago
what difference does it make?
I believe in living in the moment.
That's why I love music so much.
It's about real people like me.
And that's why I love to sing,
particularly sad love songs.
Okay, I know I'm not very good technically,
but I really feel what I'm singing


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Recent Delusional thinking Poems
Homo Mediocritus
by Richard Randolph

History is but a jumble of names and dates,
but it happened so long ago
what difference does it make?
I believe in living in the moment.
That's why I love music so much.
It's about real people like me.
And that's why I love to sing,
particularly sad love songs.
Okay, I know I'm not very good technically,
but I really feel what I'm singing


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