Ddddd Poems

Popular Ddddd Poems
The end of man draws nigh
by Tammy Darby

It will come in the silence of the sleeping night
When the blue comet streaks the star-filled skies
The tides flow no more
The night bird sighs
The end of man draws nigh

It will come in the silence of the sleeping night
The yellow comet shall blaze across star-filled skies
As humans wallow in restless slumber
And the helpless infant cries


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Recent Ddddd Poems
The end of man draws nigh
by Tammy Darby

It will come in the silence of the sleeping night
When the blue comet streaks the star-filled skies
The tides flow no more
The night bird sighs
The end of man draws nigh

It will come in the silence of the sleeping night
The yellow comet shall blaze across star-filled skies
As humans wallow in restless slumber
And the helpless infant cries


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