Days Poems

Popular Days Poems
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The shadows were creeping like golden summer,
Upon arising covertly, from crimson dawn mists,
And they shrank at noon to a realm just under,
Then idly resumed, their daring sunshine risks,
'Til plum twilight, and a kingdom they'd missed!

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Endless Days
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

the clock ticked slower
in the time of the roses
and saffron sunshine

such chills many thrills
before time gained momentum
in forever fields

lime green foliage
and cerulean blue skies


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Summer Rhythms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Bass blues,
Live crimsons,
and wild orange!
Then loud twilight purples.
Sun days.

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Forever Flowers
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The cream picket fence
is crowded by vivid blooms,
peeking out at sun.
Lovely colors rise above
a fence that goes forever.

Fragrant secrets shared,
delighting the passersby,
'til a rouge sun sinks.
Ageless days keep returning,


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Honeyed Days on a Hill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

My favorite place, is on a knoll above the meadow,
Under a dogwood tree, wrens flying in the dayglow,
Reading, picnicking, or enjoying the midday snooze,
Or seizing upon canvas, the butterscotch and blues.

Gay blooms crowd the summer, to daydreams' delight,
And butterflies roam so slowly, towards moonlight!
Bronzed days are lustrous, in a precint of silence-
The sun rose blush at dawn, and it hasn't set since!

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Recent Days Poems
Forever Flowers
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The cream picket fence
is crowded by vivid blooms,
peeking out at sun.
Lovely colors rise above
a fence that goes forever.

Fragrant secrets shared,
delighting the passersby,
'til a rouge sun sinks.
Ageless days keep returning,


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The Wednesday Wind
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

rosy redbird skies
wednesday wind tosses tulips
plump pink peonies

days greener than green
wren visits my windowsill
magnolia scents

springtime's come again
with the snapdragon fridays


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Beautiful Chaos
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Cruising along on a rolling highway,
Petals blowing in a passing breeze,
Bejeweled distant blue skies above,
And a ruby redbird crowd goes past.
The sun is in jade, luxuriant grasses,
And the hills are among ivory clouds,
Colored leaves make pretty scenery,
And russet apples fall from the trees.
Autumn breeze in my hair disheveled,
So common where wind has reveled,


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Summer Rhythms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Bass blues,
Live crimsons,
and wild orange!
Then loud twilight purples.
Sun days.

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In the Age of Blooms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Love is the golden star in the day and night sky,
Marking lush seasons, as halcyon years go by,
Love shines all the days, and also all the nights,
In an age of sweet flowers, and purple twilights.

Twinkle twinkle moonlit, radiant love is in bloom;
And under vaulted skies, milky stars are strewn.
Warmly beams noon, then hued florescent dark,
And in amber afternoons, lovers in verdant parks.

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