Daughter Poems

Popular Daughter Poems
The Asra
by Heinrich Heine

Every day so lovely, shining,
up and down, the Sultan’s daughter
walked at evening by the water,
where the white fountain splashes.

Every day the young slave stood
by the water, in the evening,
where the white fountain splashes,
each day growing pale and paler.


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The Cinnamon Peeler
by Michael Ondaatje

If I were a cinnamon peeler
I would ride your bed
And leave the yellow bark dust
On your pillow.

Your breasts and shoulders would reek
You could never walk through markets
without the profession of my fingers
floating over you. The blind would
stumble certain of whom they approached


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Ballad Of The Banished And Returning Count
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

OH, enter old minstrel, thou time-honour'd one!
We children are here in the hall all alone,

The portals we straightway will bar.
Our mother is praying, our father is gone

To the forest, on wolves to make war.
Oh sing us a ballad, the tale then repeat,

'Till brother and I learn it right;


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Poem 10
by Edmund Spenser

TEll me ye merchants daughters did ye see
So fayre a creature in your towne before,
So sweet, so louely, and so mild as she,
Adornd with beautyes grace and vertues store,
Her goodly eyes lyke Saphyres shining bright,
Her forehead yuory white,
Her cheekes lyke apples which the sun hath rudded,
Her lips lyke cherryes charming men to byte,
Her brest like to a bowle of creame vncrudded,
Her paps lyke lyllies budded,


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by James Macpherson

Malvina, the daughter of Toscar, is overheard by Ossian lamenting the death of Oscar her lover. Ossian, to divert her grief, relates his own actions in expedition which he undertook, at Fingal's command, to aid Crothar the petty king of Croma, a country in Ireland, against Rothmar, who invaded his dominions. The story is delivered down thus in tradition. Crothar, king of Croma, being blind with age, and his son too young for the field, Rothmar, the chief of Tromo resolved to avail himself of the opportunity offered of annexing the dominions of Crothar to his own. He accordingly marched into the country subject to Crothar, but which he held of Arth or Artho, who was, at the time, supreme king of Ireland.

Crothar being, on account of his age and blindness unfit for action, sent for aid to Fingal, king of Scotland; who ordered his son Ossian to the relief of Crothar. But before his arrival Fovargormo, the son of Crothar, attacking Rothmar, was slain himself, and his forces totally defeated. Ossian renewed the war; came to battle, killed Rothmar, and routed his army. Croma being thus delivered of its enemies, Ossian returned to Scotland.

"It was the voice of my love! seldom art thou in the dreams of Malvina! Open your airy halls, O father of Toscar of shields! Unfold the gates of your clouds: the steps of Malvina are near. I have heard a voice in my dream. I feel the fluttering of my soul. Why didst thou come, O blast! from the dark-rolling face of the lake? Thy rustling wing was in the tree; the dream of Malvina fled. But she beheld her love when his robe of mist flew on the wind. A sunbeam was on his skirts, they glittered like the gold of the stranger. It was the voice of my love! seldom comes he to my dreams!

"But thou dwellest in the soul of Malvina, son of mighty Ossian! My sighs arise with the beam of the east; my tears descend with the drops of night. I was a lovely tree, in thy presence, Oscar, with all my branches round me; but thy death came like a blast from the desert, and laid my green head low. The spring returned with its showers; no leaf of mine arose! The virgins saw me silent in the hall; they touched the harp of joy. The tear was on the cheek of Malvina: the virgins beheld me in my grief. Why art thou sad, they said, thou first of the maids of Lutha! Was he lovely as the beam of the morning, and stately in thy sight?"

Pleasant is thy song in Ossian's ear, daughter of streamy Lutha! Thou hast heard the music of departed bards in the dream of thy rest, when sleep fell on thine eyes, at the murmur of Moruth. When thou didst return from the chase in the day of the sun, thou hast heard the music of bards, and thy song is lovely! It is lovely, O Malvina! but it melts the soul. There is a joy in grief when peace dwells in the breast of the sad. But sorrow wastes the mournful, O daughter of Toscar! and their days are few! They fall away, like the flower on which the sun hath looked in his strength, after the mildew has passed over it, when its head is heavy with the drops of night. Attend to the tales of Ossian, O maid! He remembers the days of his youth!


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Recent Daughter Poems
Perfect daughter
by Astha Verma

It's a September morning
Everything inside me is breaking
Everything seems okay yet I am not fine
Can't control this mind of mine
It's easy for you to point at my defect
But I already know I am not perfect
No matter how much I do
It's never enough for you
I wanna do more just so you'll be happy
But they are not cooperating, my mind and body


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My land’s orphan
by Kira Rodionova

Peaches heated by my sun
A dress so simple and so cotton
Would that child ever come
Back home
Where she is forgotten

Would the wind caress the ankles
Like it did so many times before
Would that land eventually remember
That her daughter is left outdoors?


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A Warrior in Her Own Right
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

She walks with grace and elegance,
Her every step a dance of joy,
A woman of strength and resilience,
Her spirit free, her heart pure as gold.

Her eyes are deep pools of mystery,
Reflecting the depths of her soul,
Her smile a ray of warm sunshine,
That lights up even the darkest of days.


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by Lia P

I smelled a perfume
and it smelled like her
and no she is not gone but the version of me that loved her when she wore the perfume is

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The Devil's Pulpit
by Marra Makinen

I never should have expected you to stay
When I was the one that left first

That is an unreasonable
And unfair
Request for me to make

But you also never should have expected me
To abide by your commands
When those very same commands made me a cynic


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  • Daisy 22
    Daisy 22 (1 poems about Daughter)
    September 26, 2001- India
    HARAPRASAD CHATTERJEE (1 poem about Daughter)
    Febraury 9 2000 India
  • Soumalya Chatterjee
    Soumalya Chatterjee (1 poem about Daughter)
    March 27, 2003, WB, INDIA.. An amateur writer. Emotional. Depressed. Write poems doing the pen in my own blood.
  • Julie Staugaard
    Julie Staugaard (1 poems about Daughter)
    June 12, 2003 - Denmark
  • Nupur Gautam
    Nupur Gautam (1 poems about Daughter)
    January 20, 2005
  • Lia P
    Lia P (1 poems about Daughter)
    Born on August 15, 2006- New York
  • Kira Rodionova
    Kira Rodionova (1 poem about Daughter)
    October 20, 2004 - the outskirts of Moscow
  • Astha Verma
    Astha Verma (1 poems about Daughter)
    November 23, 2023 - Giridih