Crazy Poems

Popular Crazy Poems
by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.

I see sounds,
I hear sights,
I taste smells,
I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,
things people do not believe exist,


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by Aleister Crowley

Here rests beneath this hospitable spot
A youth to flats and flatties not unknown.
The Plymouth Brethren gave it to him hot;
Trinity, Cambridge, claimed him for her own.

At chess a minor master, Hoylake set
His handicap a 2. Love drove him crazy;
Thrre thousand women used to call him “pet”;
In other gardens daffodil or daisy?


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A Prayer For My Daughter
by William Butler Yeats

ONCE more the storm is howling, and half hid
Under this cradle-hood and coverlid
My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle
But Gregory's wood and one bare hill
Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind.
Bred on the Atlantic, can be stayed;
And for an hour I have walked and prayed
Because of the great gloom that is in my mind.
I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour
And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower,


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A Man Young And Old
by William Butler Yeats

First Love

THOUGH nurtured like the sailing moon
In beauty's murderous brood,
She walked awhile and blushed awhile
And on my pathway stood
Until I thought her body bore
A heart of flesh and blood.
But since I laid a hand thereon


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A Woman Young And Old
by William Butler Yeats

SHE hears me strike the board and say
That she is under ban
Of all good men and women,
Being mentioned with a man
That has the worst of all bad names;
And thereupon replies
That his hair is beautiful,
Cold as the March wind his eyes.


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Recent Crazy Poems
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

His methods were almost simplistic...
He seemed anachronistic...
His attitude totally chauvinistic...
His words often linguistic...

He lost his large enthusiasm...
No longer using sharp sarcasm...
His thoughts going into a strange spasm...
His bruised ego triggered a chasm...


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superstitious woman
by Bogdan Dragos

In the morning
she jerked him off
and had him
cum in the cups of her
bra and then
he watched as she put it
on and went about the
rest of her day like


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Daisy Crazy
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

daisies in my hair
red and pink yellow and blue
the fields of frolic

vases hats gardens
trailing sun from window box
swaying to summer

anytime daisy
dawn sunset red midnight black


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Life is a Circus
by Priya Goel

A young lad blossoms from a petal,
Many challenges to come and yet to settle.
Here begins life's crazy circus,
To be happy but yet sometimes serious.

A circus to be a star in your own ring,
To keep trying and never stop thinking.
To lean not too far in one direction,
Find a balance even beneath the most odd collection.


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Crazy You
by Femme Mcbridge

Your call is never heard,
But called as CRAZY YOU,
Attention that you demand,
Is a tot’s right,
For love has no value,
as money does hold you,
With vacuum filled covered hearts,
Shoulders that towered lost,
From spring to autumn days.
Days that is cried for,


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