Commonality Poems

Popular Commonality Poems
As ye love
by Kevin Taylor

Do not the mothers and the fathers
of Islam love their daughters, love
their sons, love the children as ye love?

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In Medias Res
by Richard Randolph

We're all storytellers
reshaping our pasts in the hope that someone,
will understand.
And we're all tragic heroes trapped by our flaws.
We're also the villains who haunt our dreams,
but fascinate us too.
And we're all literary critics interpreting the stories we hear,
wondering how they will end,
and what they might mean.


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Recent Commonality Poems
In Medias Res
by Richard Randolph

We're all storytellers
reshaping our pasts in the hope that someone,
will understand.
And we're all tragic heroes trapped by our flaws.
We're also the villains who haunt our dreams,
but fascinate us too.
And we're all literary critics interpreting the stories we hear,
wondering how they will end,
and what they might mean.


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As ye love
by Kevin Taylor

Do not the mothers and the fathers
of Islam love their daughters, love
their sons, love the children as ye love?

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Popular Poets about Commonality From Members
  • Kevin Taylor
    Kevin Taylor (1 poems about Commonality)
    Veni. Vidi. Scripsi.