Cold Poems

Popular Cold Poems
The beauty of Winter
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I always long for winter,
cold but not the rain.
And enjoy the fluffy white,
covering the road and lane.
The icy woods would sparkle,
in the hazy light of sun.

Greyish the skies shall be,
after the storms have gone.
My eyes enjoy the beauty,


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Brrrr Thursday
by Barbara Maxwell Deraoui

Brrrr Thursday

Brrrr Thursday
Baby it’s cold outside
Jackets and scarves required

The air is crisp and clear
The sun is out in it’s full regalia


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Too Late
by Leigh Yah

I grabbed my coat and took off
Went out for a walk
I know I've been told
That the streets are cold.

The moment I took a step
I know I'm not safe
But it doesn't matter
Because I...didn't even matter.


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by Sharona anonymous

I am not happy
How can I listen to what you say?

You talk about different bones
I think "why can't I laugh?"

you talk about my attitude
I ask myself "why am I here?"

You are explaining about blood


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To Save Them, To Love Them
by Carl Halling

O, how my heart can ache for the lonely,
Then I’d like to comfort them all,
Hold them close
Until their sorrow goes,
This great big world
Can seem so cold,

O woe, some end up alone,
Forlorn souls,
Longing for someone,


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Recent Cold Poems
The beauty of Winter
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I always long for winter,
cold but not the rain.
And enjoy the fluffy white,
covering the road and lane.
The icy woods would sparkle,
in the hazy light of sun.

Greyish the skies shall be,
after the storms have gone.
My eyes enjoy the beauty,


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by Sharona anonymous

I am not happy
How can I listen to what you say?

You talk about different bones
I think "why can't I laugh?"

you talk about my attitude
I ask myself "why am I here?"

You are explaining about blood


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growing to winter
by Sarah A

i’ve always craved the sunshine

longing for winter to pass

and to feel

warmth radiating from within my skin



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Too Late
by Leigh Yah

I grabbed my coat and took off
Went out for a walk
I know I've been told
That the streets are cold.

The moment I took a step
I know I'm not safe
But it doesn't matter
Because I...didn't even matter.


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this woman's a warrior
by Bogdan Dragos

her back to the world
she stands outside into the
and the snow
made her a white helmet
and shoulder guards
and is now knitting a cape

the deer don't dare come
near her and the


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