Circus Poems

Popular Circus Poems
Life is a Circus
by Priya Goel

A young lad blossoms from a petal,
Many challenges to come and yet to settle.
Here begins life's crazy circus,
To be happy but yet sometimes serious.

A circus to be a star in your own ring,
To keep trying and never stop thinking.
To lean not too far in one direction,
Find a balance even beneath the most odd collection.


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The Clowns Are Coming-Nursery Rhyme
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The clowns are coming! The circus starts today.
There'll be hot dogs and cotton candy-hooray!
With balloons of every color, puppets and games,
And so many animals that the brave people tame!

I love to watch jugglers and the man jumping rope,
And they'll have lots of fun rides there, I hope.
But mostly I want to see the funny, funny clowns,
With pink hair and red noses, always falling down!

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Circus Lion's Lament
by Author Reinvented

What is a king?
Oh a foolish thing,
So pathetic and tired,
A crown of gold,
A mighty roar,
All to jump through a hoop made of fire.

But what is a king?
Oh a terrible thing,


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Recent Circus Poems
Circus Lion's Lament
by Author Reinvented

What is a king?
Oh a foolish thing,
So pathetic and tired,
A crown of gold,
A mighty roar,
All to jump through a hoop made of fire.

But what is a king?
Oh a terrible thing,


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The Clowns Are Coming-Nursery Rhyme
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The clowns are coming! The circus starts today.
There'll be hot dogs and cotton candy-hooray!
With balloons of every color, puppets and games,
And so many animals that the brave people tame!

I love to watch jugglers and the man jumping rope,
And they'll have lots of fun rides there, I hope.
But mostly I want to see the funny, funny clowns,
With pink hair and red noses, always falling down!

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Life is a Circus
by Priya Goel

A young lad blossoms from a petal,
Many challenges to come and yet to settle.
Here begins life's crazy circus,
To be happy but yet sometimes serious.

A circus to be a star in your own ring,
To keep trying and never stop thinking.
To lean not too far in one direction,
Find a balance even beneath the most odd collection.


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