Cinqku Poems

Popular Cinqku Poems
Scarlet Arising
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Hot sun
a stirring
in scarlet hours.
Sleeping beauty rises
Red rose.

drifts afar
on unseen wings.
Under the golden spell


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A Colorful Ukraine Flowering
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

bloom in sun
and in mauve shade
So, take heart brave soldiers
Truth lives!

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Flowers in My Face
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

A field frolic,
in colors of sunshine.
Wild child!

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Summer Rhythms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Bass blues,
Live crimsons,
and wild orange!
Then loud twilight purples.
Sun days.

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Recent Cinqku Poems
Flowers in My Face
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

A field frolic,
in colors of sunshine.
Wild child!

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Summer Rhythms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Bass blues,
Live crimsons,
and wild orange!
Then loud twilight purples.
Sun days.

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Scarlet Arising
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Hot sun
a stirring
in scarlet hours.
Sleeping beauty rises
Red rose.

drifts afar
on unseen wings.
Under the golden spell


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A Colorful Ukraine Flowering
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

bloom in sun
and in mauve shade
So, take heart brave soldiers
Truth lives!

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