Church Poems

Popular Church Poems
A Sunshine Bazaar
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

A lively church bazaar is on the avenue today,
In the house of the Lord, happy children play,
So much is going on, there is so much to see,
Like many hues flowing, in the house of memory.

Hot lunches and baked goods are here for sale,
Like myriad summer days, vivid blossoms prevail,
Old and young enjoy the raffles and the games,
As sunset going down, its vibrant smile retains.


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Charlotte Angel
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a minister of the gospel, very happily living my life for the Lord,
Preaching the Word every Sunday, in the spirit of affinity and accord.

I always knew that I would preach, for I had been called in my youth,
To perpetually serve the will of God, while forever speaking His truth.

Like the lush gardens of springtime, are all abloom with fresh purpose,
Spreading joy with their presence, in a gold, green ritual that is ageless.

I lived an exceedingly busy life, doing work that was dear to my heart,


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14 cigarettes
by Bogdan Dragos

This girl smoked 14 cigarettes in
a span of one and a half hours

"Yeah, but they're slim," she says

"But they're still fourteen."

"Yeah, but so am I," she says.

"But... you look at least eighteen..."


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The Soulful Church
by Carl Rex

There was a little pale building
'twas a Church that had no bell ring
But there was always sweet singing
Bringing loud praises to the King

Not much money or coins to spare
Nor riches, assets to declare
But love and kindness ever there
Good food and fellowship to share


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Spring Trip to London
by Steven Andreev

The weary winter passed to leave us with nothing but
Estrangement from each other. As I sat in my damp student dorm,
Writing essay on Alienation, alternating between shots of
Tea, vodka and gin, brooding about the last time I saw you alone.

Nothing interrupted my concentrated efforts, besides the sound of
Keyboard under my fingers, until a bird chirped by my window
And awoke me to notice the first carnations of season. I rushed
To my bedroom, grabbed a tweed jacket and ran to train station.


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Recent Church Poems
Stink Eye
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Remember dat look...
She ain’t playin’...
She means business...
When you get to strayin’...

You don’t want da stink eye...
Cuz you know what’s comin’...
If you don’t quiet down...
Yo cheeks will be numbin’...


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Spring Trip to London
by Steven Andreev

The weary winter passed to leave us with nothing but
Estrangement from each other. As I sat in my damp student dorm,
Writing essay on Alienation, alternating between shots of
Tea, vodka and gin, brooding about the last time I saw you alone.

Nothing interrupted my concentrated efforts, besides the sound of
Keyboard under my fingers, until a bird chirped by my window
And awoke me to notice the first carnations of season. I rushed
To my bedroom, grabbed a tweed jacket and ran to train station.


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It's just grape juice.
by Erica Scott

I look into their eyes, so pure, full of life,
and wonder where I lost that will to learn.
I look into their eyes as I read from the book I no longer believe in,
and I can’t help but silently cry.
I don’t want them to see, in case it might be true,
that this book of magic words never helped me through,
that the words of this church did the opposite of what Jesus would do.
And as I weep inside, I see their faces light up with questions
“How could this be true?”
“Jesus,” I say. Everything Jesus.


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Charlotte Angel
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a minister of the gospel, very happily living my life for the Lord,
Preaching the Word every Sunday, in the spirit of affinity and accord.

I always knew that I would preach, for I had been called in my youth,
To perpetually serve the will of God, while forever speaking His truth.

Like the lush gardens of springtime, are all abloom with fresh purpose,
Spreading joy with their presence, in a gold, green ritual that is ageless.

I lived an exceedingly busy life, doing work that was dear to my heart,


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A Sunshine Bazaar
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

A lively church bazaar is on the avenue today,
In the house of the Lord, happy children play,
So much is going on, there is so much to see,
Like many hues flowing, in the house of memory.

Hot lunches and baked goods are here for sale,
Like myriad summer days, vivid blossoms prevail,
Old and young enjoy the raffles and the games,
As sunset going down, its vibrant smile retains.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Church From Members