Cenobites Poems

Popular Cenobites Poems
horror without a whore
by Matthew Conrad

to claim something to be of an involuntary nature is to claim it to be reflexive... i hardly think everything in man's possession is applied reflex insect like stimulation - involuntary - that stance of absolutism that man is without free will: i'm sure even in this absolutist mentality - there's room for will per se, perhaps not free will (whatever that means except pure rebellion) - but there's also the bondaged will - the will of responsibility - unwilling to do a 9 - 5 shift at work - yet willing to do so, to have a conversation with a spouse / child after work... involuntary... what a bogus term... i should be termed an involuntary celibate... by 21 i experienced what is required for steer away from the attention of gnats and vultures... and if i missed anything - prostitutes helped me out... the 3Ps "pillars" of society: psychiatrists, priests, prostitues... tough luck having a claustrophobic personality like me... only old people seem to stand my jumping from one topic to another... involuntary - reflexive - you're not reflexive about celibacy... unless you had time to reflect upon the alternative... it's not a continued narrative requiring reiteration... celibacy is a reflexive per se - so why would incels treat celibacy as a reflective per se: something that requires continual attention and explaining / revision? it either happens... or it doesn't! involuntary would be just fine... but no man has ever transcended his biology - unless he was castrated... i voluntarily sought celibacy until i came across celibacy involuntarily having experienced women and found them: to be "disagreeable" to my placebo solipsism experience - the sex... sure... but when you're a boyfriend / girlfriend and she starts reading to you a questionnaire from Cosmopolitan magazine about how much of a great girlfriend she is and how lucky you are to have her? one visit to a brothel... puff! snow white disney magic turns out to be a line of cocaine and a horny bonnie lass. i'm pretty sure i don't know what women want, i can't compete with a woman concerning her sexual appetites: after all i'm not the one who becomes pregnant and has those secrets that are what defines a woman - why would men compete for imagination during a sexual intercourse... haven't we gone elsewhere with our time? i'm not going to drag feminism into every single deviation of man's quest for answers... feminism can attack the humanities... and the quasi-science of philosophy... sure sure... marie curies... etc. - here's to more whiskey and ginger ale.

a thought requiring yesterday -
to have in my possession a shirt that feels
like cotton-candy to the lips on my shoulders
and torso and back...
you would never cut corners when
buying shoes -
i guess shirts are pretty much the same -
i could be wearing nettle-like fabric on


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Recent Cenobites Poems
horror without a whore
by Matthew Conrad

to claim something to be of an involuntary nature is to claim it to be reflexive... i hardly think everything in man's possession is applied reflex insect like stimulation - involuntary - that stance of absolutism that man is without free will: i'm sure even in this absolutist mentality - there's room for will per se, perhaps not free will (whatever that means except pure rebellion) - but there's also the bondaged will - the will of responsibility - unwilling to do a 9 - 5 shift at work - yet willing to do so, to have a conversation with a spouse / child after work... involuntary... what a bogus term... i should be termed an involuntary celibate... by 21 i experienced what is required for steer away from the attention of gnats and vultures... and if i missed anything - prostitutes helped me out... the 3Ps "pillars" of society: psychiatrists, priests, prostitues... tough luck having a claustrophobic personality like me... only old people seem to stand my jumping from one topic to another... involuntary - reflexive - you're not reflexive about celibacy... unless you had time to reflect upon the alternative... it's not a continued narrative requiring reiteration... celibacy is a reflexive per se - so why would incels treat celibacy as a reflective per se: something that requires continual attention and explaining / revision? it either happens... or it doesn't! involuntary would be just fine... but no man has ever transcended his biology - unless he was castrated... i voluntarily sought celibacy until i came across celibacy involuntarily having experienced women and found them: to be "disagreeable" to my placebo solipsism experience - the sex... sure... but when you're a boyfriend / girlfriend and she starts reading to you a questionnaire from Cosmopolitan magazine about how much of a great girlfriend she is and how lucky you are to have her? one visit to a brothel... puff! snow white disney magic turns out to be a line of cocaine and a horny bonnie lass. i'm pretty sure i don't know what women want, i can't compete with a woman concerning her sexual appetites: after all i'm not the one who becomes pregnant and has those secrets that are what defines a woman - why would men compete for imagination during a sexual intercourse... haven't we gone elsewhere with our time? i'm not going to drag feminism into every single deviation of man's quest for answers... feminism can attack the humanities... and the quasi-science of philosophy... sure sure... marie curies... etc. - here's to more whiskey and ginger ale.

a thought requiring yesterday -
to have in my possession a shirt that feels
like cotton-candy to the lips on my shoulders
and torso and back...
you would never cut corners when
buying shoes -
i guess shirts are pretty much the same -
i could be wearing nettle-like fabric on


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