Butterfly Poems

Popular Butterfly Poems
by Thomas Moore

When daylight was yet sleeping under the pillow,
And stars in the heavens still lingering shone,
Young Kitty, all blushing, rose up from her pillow,
The last time she e'er was to press it alone.
For the youth whom she treasured her heart and her soul in
Had promised to link the last tie before noon;
And when once the young heart of a maiden is stolen,
The maiden herself will steal after it soon.

As she look'd in the glass, which a woman ne'er misses,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I recall the rural life of the butterfly
Extravagantly —that proud floating mass of wings.
Her wings flutter from sea to coast so eloquently,
Yet silent with the muteness of frightened breeze.
They are banners with buntings of newness — striped,
Spotted, arched, dotted.
Her flamboyant life history, reading it backwards,
Is an exhibition of time and cosseted patience . . . .
The winged one, aged and tried, schleps to the stirs of a narcoleptic pupa,
Hanging on the banisters of a dear larva who’s egged on to


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A Fuzzy Fellow, Without Feet
by Emily Dickinson


A fuzzy fellow, without feet,
Yet doth exceeding run!
Of velvet, is his Countenance,
And his Complexion, dun!

Sometime, he dwelleth in the grass!
Sometime, upon a bough,
From which he doth descend in plush


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A Butterfly Interlude
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

To a park of blooms graced with charm,
Dancing butterflies came in swarm,
Whose flight seemed synchronized in grace,
In every hue they waltzed in space!

Then as one graced each waiting bloom,
Fragrant as the twilights of June,
And they paused there for endless hours,
As though waiting for moonflowers.


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My Reflection In The Mirror
by Dwiveck Custodio

I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I feel.
I see lonliness,
I see love,
I see excitment,
I see shyness.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I dream of.
I see the guy I love so much,
I see published poems written by me,


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Recent Butterfly Poems
The Common Butterfly
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I am the queen of beauty the common butterfly,
I spread my wings and flap away among the trees I fly.

My wings exhibit colours of green yellow and blue,
red, orange and brown and even purple too.

I live in many countries and lands of different rule,
high up in the mountains or fields behind the school.

But I like the warmer weather which makes me feel alive,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I recall the rural life of the butterfly
Extravagantly —that proud floating mass of wings.
Her wings flutter from sea to coast so eloquently,
Yet silent with the muteness of frightened breeze.
They are banners with buntings of newness — striped,
Spotted, arched, dotted.
Her flamboyant life history, reading it backwards,
Is an exhibition of time and cosseted patience . . . .
The winged one, aged and tried, schleps to the stirs of a narcoleptic pupa,
Hanging on the banisters of a dear larva who’s egged on to


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Butterfly Blue
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

butterfly in blue
wafting skies we always knew
in orange-gold sun

redbirds sing farewell
a warm hour of green flowers
when still wind listens

to meadows and woods
minty lanes where beauty hides


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Butterfly Beats
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Autumn is golden
mirrored in still glinting lake
Sunbeams through plum trees
Nature's so long symphony
when birds soar in sympathy

Tiffany skies chills
pink robin is still singing
to an empty hall
Last beats of butterfly wings


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

peacock butterfly
in wildflower touch and go ~
prancing in fragrance

sun's reached its zenith
the world has turned green again ~
with colors galore

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