Anniversary Poems

Popular Anniversary Poems
One Year Ago—jots What? -
by Emily Dickinson


One Year ago—jots what?
God—spell the word! I—can't—
Was't Grace? Not that—
Was't Glory? That—will do—
Spell slower—Glory—

Such Anniversary shall be—
Sometimes—not often—in Eternity—


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Supernatural Songs
by William Butler Yeats

Ribb at the Tomb of Baile and Aillinn
BECAUSE you have found me in the pitch-dark night
With open book you ask me what I do.
Mark and digest my tale, carry it afar
To those that never saw this tonsured head
Nor heard this voice that ninety years have cracked.
Of Baile and Aillinn you need not speak,
All know their tale, all know what leaf and twig,
What juncture of the apple and the yew,


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For The Anniversary Of My Death
by William Stanley Merwin

Every year without knowing it I have passed the day
When the last fires will wave to me
And the silence will set out
Tireless traveller
Like the beam of a lightless star

Then I will no longer
Find myself in life as in a strange garment
Surprised at the earth
And the love of one woman


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Morituri Salutamus: Poem For The Fiftieth Anniversary
by Henry Wadswor Longfellow

Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis,
Et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Ovid, Fastorum, Lib. vi.
'O Cæsar, we who are about to die
Salute you! ' was the gladiators' cry
In the arena, standing face to face
With death and with the Roman populace.
O ye familiar scenes,- ye groves of pine,
That once were mine and are no longer mine,-
Thou river, widening through the meadows green


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by Anna Akhmatova

Celebrate our anniversary – can’t you see
tonight the snowy night of our first winter
comes back again in every road and tree -
that winter night of diamantine splendour.

Steam is pouring out of yellow stables,
the Moika river’s sinking under snow,
the moonlight’s misted as it is in fables,
and where we are heading – I don’t know.


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Recent Anniversary Poems
by Adriano Rada


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A Terrace Full Of Flowers For Our Anniversary
by Hébert Logerie

Oh! No. I won’t wait until you’re seriously terminally sick
Or to expire in order to send you bouquets of ritzy flowers
Today is indeed the time, the hour to stand above the big brick
To show my love amidst the hubbub of seasoneless showers.

You are profoundly loved, dear colorful and calm princess
You are always on my mind, in my guts, my heart and my soul
You are always on top of the unbiased poll, on my pole
And I love you with an incredible passion since you are the best.


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Anniversaries: Bump As Tranquil Wave
by Arshia Sheikh

I dug my heart into a grave,
Realising, I was never so brave.
Fondness and compassion are not my attire,
Willfully submitting my truth and desire.

Anniversaries bump as tranquil wave,
Showering memories which turn out to be frail.
Rewinding the love and burning the fire,
Am I rejoicing my hopes and not a liar.

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A YEAR to remember
by Lily Isong

A YEAR to remember

It's today!
A YEAR to remember
Never felt a thing so strong
A brother and lover you are to me
Perhaps a bit more, all is what I count on
I'm out of words
Your love makes me speechless
I could never love you less


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Twenty Years Together
by Julia Shaw

By Julia Shaw
May 2019

Two people met many years ago,
Their hearts would soon embrace,
They wouldn't let each other go,
Love could not be erased.

They married in a garden fair,
With flowers all abounding,


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