Ancient greek Poems

Popular Ancient greek Poems
Athenian Epitaphs/Epigrams
by Michael R. Burch

Athenian Epitaphs/Epigrams

These are translations of ancient Greek epitaphs inscribed on steles (tombstones and other monuments) by the ancient Greeks in remembrance of their dead. I use the term "after" for my translations because they are loose translations and/or interpretations rather than word-for-word translations.

The Seikilos Epitaph
by Michael R. Burch, after Seikilos of Euterpes

Shine, while you live;
blaze beyond grief,


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Recent Ancient greek Poems
Athenian Epitaphs/Epigrams
by Michael R. Burch

Athenian Epitaphs/Epigrams

These are translations of ancient Greek epitaphs inscribed on steles (tombstones and other monuments) by the ancient Greeks in remembrance of their dead. I use the term "after" for my translations because they are loose translations and/or interpretations rather than word-for-word translations.

The Seikilos Epitaph
by Michael R. Burch, after Seikilos of Euterpes

Shine, while you live;
blaze beyond grief,


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