Alternative erotica Poems

Popular Alternative erotica Poems
re-introducing the ¶
by Matthew Conrad

election night: labour? not really... they really don't have
the razzmatazz of a youthful blairite wave...
new labour requires: youth...
just as much as what the catholic church requires:
jude law in the front-runner role...
a young pope: none came as young as pope john paul II...
you can be an old conservative and "win"
(win... keep the status quo)...
and you can be a young conservative...
but you can't be an old labour candidate...


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Recent Alternative erotica Poems
re-introducing the ¶
by Matthew Conrad

election night: labour? not really... they really don't have
the razzmatazz of a youthful blairite wave...
new labour requires: youth...
just as much as what the catholic church requires:
jude law in the front-runner role...
a young pope: none came as young as pope john paul II...
you can be an old conservative and "win"
(win... keep the status quo)...
and you can be a young conservative...
but you can't be an old labour candidate...


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