Adulthood Poems

Popular Adulthood Poems
I thought twins could never be apart
by Marra Makinen

18 years of
“Look after each other,”
Making sure the other was alright
After a small fight or major disappointment

18 years we’ve been together,
Literally since the womb,
Teaching each other and
Knowing everything about one another’s lives


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The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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Recent Adulthood Poems
I thought twins could never be apart
by Marra Makinen

18 years of
“Look after each other,”
Making sure the other was alright
After a small fight or major disappointment

18 years we’ve been together,
Literally since the womb,
Teaching each other and
Knowing everything about one another’s lives


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The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Adulthood From Members
  • Marra Makinen
    Marra Makinen (1 poems about Adulthood)
    May 1, 2000 - San Diego
  • Samson Oloto
    Samson Oloto (1 poems about Adulthood)
    July 2, 1990 - Lagos, Nigeria