9 x 9 in a sudoku squared the number of solveable avenues Poems

Popular 9 x 9 in a sudoku squared the number of solveable avenues Poems
i have not solved a sudoku in a long while...
by Matthew Conrad

i, didn't, read, into the whole affair...
perhaps i compose statues
of skeletons: in terms of words -
as x-ray bundles...
i cried... because john debney
composed the score for the movie...
i sat there and cried in a dim
cimena theatre -
whimpered - like a scolded dog -
a wet whipped dog -


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Recent 9 x 9 in a sudoku squared the number of solveable avenues Poems
i have not solved a sudoku in a long while...
by Matthew Conrad

i, didn't, read, into the whole affair...
perhaps i compose statues
of skeletons: in terms of words -
as x-ray bundles...
i cried... because john debney
composed the score for the movie...
i sat there and cried in a dim
cimena theatre -
whimpered - like a scolded dog -
a wet whipped dog -


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