Patricia Erickson

Janesville, Wisconsin, USA


A sapling is planted and grows to maturity:
becomes very beautiful and functional..
It is a permanent fixture in our lives.
One day out of the blue our beautiful tree
Develops a disease and dies.
When the tree is removed it leaves a huge empty space.
Gradually one becomes accoustom to not seeing the tree.
Mother Nature does her job by covering the chasm with
grass and soil: leaving a small indentation.
Is this not the way of life of a human being?
One is born. Goes through the different stages of life.
Becomes intertwined with the lives of others.
Death of a person leaves a large void.
The void becomes smaller and smaller as time passes.
Oh! Remember me! Remember Me!
Cried out the beautiful tree and the human being.
Remember me by pictures, conversation and mementos.
Remember me not with a heavy heart and tears,
But joy in your heart and smile on your lips.
Then, my existence was not in vain, but lives on in memories.
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