Declan C. Onuoha

Richmond Hill, NY, USA

What African Personality Should Stand For

A-Allow constructive plans for progress to prevail.
F-Follow the leaders with great vision for all.
R-Remember to accommodate others in activities.
I-Indicate specific steps to adopt for developments.
C-Coordinate and control the use of resources.
A-Admit it when you are wrong.
N-Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
P-Persevere in preserving and propagating our cultures.
E-Emphasize overcoming obstacles and enduring glory.
R-Resolve to tolerate and reconcile people's criticisms.
S-Selfless services must be practiced.
O-Obey the rules of law and order.
N-Notice the priorities and deadlines set.
A-Accept responsibility for your actions and results.
L-Liberate people from poverty, complacency and miseducation.
I-Involve in worthy causes as much as possible.
T-Teach society about the true positions of issues.
Y-Yield by God's grace for success and fulfillment.
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