Rema Green

Manchester, Jamaica, West Indies


They come in all sizes, shapes and colours.
The delicate scent of Roses,
Waiting to tickle our noses.
Red ones, white ones, yellow ones too,
Pink and gold and, even blue. Aster, Lily, Petunia and Marigold,
Dahlia, Begonia, all there to behold.
Fiery-orange blossoms of Tithonia,
Variegated blooms of Lantana and Zinnia,
Nasturtium, Cosmos and Sunflower,
Provide a feast for the eyes with each passing hour. They brighten our lives
And make an excellent gift for wives.
No decorators job would be complete,
Without a vase of blooms, so fresh and sweet.
Life without flowers would be so colourless.
FLOWERS are truly a great contributor to our happiness.
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