Paul Francis Hartnett

Bayonne, New Jersey

The Beauty Within

True beauty come's from deep within,
it's not in your hair, your looks,
or your skin, true beauty is something
you can never hold, and true beauty
shines brighter that gold.

Everyone has it, it's right there inside,
but for most of us it's beauty we hide,
when you reach out to the beggar that
roams the town, and you offer to help,
instead of putting him down, you become a
beautiful person for all to see, and this
is what real beauty should be..

If you say your sorry when someone's upset,
when you soothe a child when they start to
fret, when you offer warmth to someone
who's cold, when you go out of your way
to help someone that's old.

It's these little things that mean so much and this
is real beauty you can never touch. but few stop
to think of things they can do or to cheer
someone up that's feeling blue, there's just
no time I'm too busy they'll say as they
shake their heads and hurry away.

So the beauty stays hidden deep within,
and they continue to judge by the color
of skin, never to know the glow that's inside,
and to never have felt the feeling of pride,
and to never have heard someone say
you're the most beautiful person I've met today.
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