Rudra Kinshuk

1971, Bolpur, West Bengal, India
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Songs For My Dark Mother: Translations from Shakta Poetry 2011

Songs For My Dark Mother: Translations from Shakta Poetry 2011


Repose faith in Kali, why so anxious?
The delusive night being over, the dawn blooms.
The sun rises to dispel pall of darkness,
regards to Lord Shiva
at the top of your head, sahasrya.
The Vedas confuse you, the six philosophies
are blindly limited.If even planets cannot fathom Her
who'll unriddle Her funny tricks?
No lessons in the market of bliss are worthy.
Since She herself being actors, the stage and the game
who can explore the truth of drama?
A devotee, knowing essence enters that dreamland.
Ramprosad says - my delusion now broken.
who can light burns in me?





trans-created from Bengali by Rudra Kinshuk
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