Mildred Hyatt McLoud

Kildeer, North Dakota

Are We Guilty?

In Matthew 27 we read,
About man's most awful deed.
They placed on Him a crown of thorns,
And struck His body so weary and worn.
Just to read this gives us a chill,
And yet we crucify Him still.
When we abuse, mistreat each other,
Lie to and cheat our friend and brother,
Ignore a neighbor in his need,
Take from the poorest in our greed,
We break His heart all over today,
And to Golgotha we lead the way.
We would have no part in this,
Yet the whole message we have missed.
As often as we deny one of these,
We deny His humble pleas.
We are all His children, great and small,
And for each one He gave His all.
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