Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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I See An Angel

I see an angel all cloudy white...
My first intuition is to run in fright...
But should I stay and then I might...
Get a little closer and touch the light...

I see an angel floating high above...
My defensive side says to give it a shove...
But the angel is so pure and white as a dove...
I want to get closer and feel the love...

I see an angel up in the air...
My conflicted side says get out of there...
But all of a sudden I stop and share...
My hand to the angel without despair...

I see an angel up in the sky...
Is her presence a sign to imply...
The end of my life must be nearby...
It’s time to tell the world goodbye...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
183 Total read